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'We are now the go-it-alone society'

The author emphasizes the need for cooperation between disabled people's organisations and carers' groups to push for more social care in Great Britain. According to the author, the debate about carers is enjoying its highest political profile in years but the voice of disabled people is seldom heard in it. She contends that the growing number of informal carers is evidence of what happens when an expansion in the numbers requiring support meets fast-retreating public services. She points out that it is hard to believe that politicians listen to carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Carers support and assessments

The article focuses on the important role played by carers in the society in Great Britain. Carers allow the people that they look after to stay in the community making it vital for them to be supported continuously. The Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act of 2004 was introduced to ensure that carers are determined, educated about their rights and informed that public agencies support their initiatives. It stresses the need to develop carers' lack of self-confidence and self-esteem to avoid disadvantages in other endeavors.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11

The conversational and discursive construction of community psychiatric nursing for chronically confused people and their families

The paper examines the conversational and discursive processes that occur within domiciliary visits between community psychiatric nurses (CPNs) and relatives of chronically confused people. Three conversation formats are identified, through which talk between CPNs and carers is organised. In addition, various discursive practices are also identified within domiciliary meetings. The contribution of these conversational and discursive features to the work of CPNs is fully discussed in relation to what they accomplish within the visit. The data comprised 48 paired tape recordings.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11

The need for future alternatives: an investigation of the experiences and future of older parents caring for offspring with learning disabilities over a prolonged period of time

This article reports on the results of a qualitative study (in-depth interviews) carried out in the United Kingdom as part of a larger (two-phased) study investigating the experiences, health and future perspectives of older parent carers (six mothers and two fathers) of offspring with learning disabilities over a prolonged period of time.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11

Don't let carers slip off the radar

The article discusses the importance of supporting carers in Great Britain. It states that supporting carers is cost-effective because it prevents crisis intervention, unfitting hospital admission, and delayed transfer of care .It also mentions that if they are not supported, their physical and mental health will be at risk and young carers will have difficulty at school.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11

Unpaid caregiving and paid work over life-courses: Different pathways, diverging outcomes

We investigate the extent to which people's earlier circumstances and experiences shape subsequent life-courses. We do this using UK longitudinal data to provide a dynamic analysis of employment and caregiving histories for 4339 people over 15–20 years between 1991 and 2010. We analyse these histories as sequences using optimal matching and cluster analysis to identify five distinct employment-caregiving pathways. Regression analysis shows that prior to embarking on these pathways, people are already differentiated by life-stage, gender and attitudes towards family and gender roles.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11

Young people supporting parents with mental health problems: experiences of assessment and support

The explosion of interest in young people as carers over the last decade and a half conceals the fact that there are still no reliable estimates of the number of young people with caregiving responsibilities. This is even more problematic in circumstances where the 'looked after' person has a mental health problem. In this study, we reflect on what can be done to identify, assess and support young people in these circumstances.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11

A questionnaire to measure satisfaction with community services for informal carers of stroke patients: construction and initial piloting

Stroke affects 120 000 people each year in the UK and is the most common cause of adult-onset disability. Most stroke patients are cared for at home by informal carers. Support for these carers is provided by the community services, but although single-item measures have shown that there is a relatively high level of dissatisfaction with those services, there is no specific satisfaction measurement instrument. The present study aimed to construct and initially validate a questionnaire to measure carers’ satisfaction with community services for clinical and research purposes.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11