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Clark, J.

Dementia caregiving in the Middle East and North Africa: A scoping review

Background: Care for persons with dementia in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is undertaken predominantly by family members, domestic workers, and private nurses within the home. Domestic caregivers possess different understandings and varying degrees of knowledge of dementia that are influenced by complex socio-cultural and religious factors. With much of the burden falling on the shoulders of “invisible” caregivers, the role and needs of these individuals require deeper scrutiny.

Wed, 08/24/2022 - 14:53

Concerns and potential improvements in end-of-life care from the perspectives of older patients and informal caregivers: a scoping review

Background: Overtreatment in advanced age i.e. aggressive interventions that do not improve survival and are potentially harmful, can impair quality of care near the end of life (EOL). As healthcare provider perspectives on care quality may differ from that of service users, the aim of this study was to explore the views of older patients near EOL or their caregivers about the quality of health care at the EOL based on their lived experience, and to identify healthcare service improvements.

Wed, 08/24/2022 - 11:55

A stakeholder-centred exploration of the current barriers to the uptake of home care technology in the UK

An increase in the ageing UK population is leading to new ways of looking at how we deliver health and social care services in the UK. The use of assisted living technology (ALT) and telecare is already playing a part in these new models of care. Yet despite the current advances in the range of technology and networking capabilities in the home, ALT and telecare solutions have not been taken up as eagerly as might have been anticipated.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11