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Education, Great Britain Department For

Young carers' draft regulations: Government consultation

This consultation seeks the views of interested parties on the draft Young Carers' (Needs Assessments) (England) Regulations to put into effect Section of the Children and Families Act 2014. A local authority must assess whether a young carer within their area has needs for support and, if so, what those needs are, if - (a) it appears to the authority that the young carer may have needs for support, or; (b) the authority receives a request from the young carer or a parent of the young carer to assess the young carer's needs for support.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:23

Consultation on young carers' draft regulations: Government response

The government response to the consultation on draft regulations to support young carers and their families. It includes a summary of the responses received and the list of organisations that responded to the consultation. The public consultation included two online forums held with young carers and with young adult carers respectively.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13