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Iacob, Eli

Live hospice discharge: Experiences of families, and hospice staff

Objective: To examine live hospice discharge prevalence and experiences of families and hospice staff. Hospice eligibility is based on a cancer model where decline and death are predicable. Decline is less predictable for diagnoses such as dementia, frequently resulting in involuntary live hospice discharge.

Tue, 06/07/2022 - 17:12

Hospice interdisciplinary team providers' attitudes toward sexual and gender minority patients and caregivers

Objective: Hospice interdisciplinary team (IDT) providers' attitudes toward sexual and gender minority (SGM) patients and family caregivers impacts quality of care and end-of-life outcomes. This study assessed hospice IDT provider attitudes toward SGM patients and caregivers and identified demographic predictors.; Methods: Hospice IDT providers (N = 122) completed an adapted 11-item scale measuring attitudes toward SGM hospice patients and caregivers.

Thu, 12/10/2020 - 14:08