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Professor Kristina Hultgren

Profile summary

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Professional biography

Dr. Anna Kristina Hultgren (DPhil Oxon, MA Copenhagen, Cert LSE, SFHEA) is UKRI Future Leaders Fellow and Professor at The Open University. Born in Sweden, Kristina is a sociolinguist who, following her MA in English and French linguistics, made a brief detour into the international speech and language technology industry, before gaining her DPhil in sociolinguistics from the University of Oxford in 2009. She then undertook two Postdoctoral Fellowships at the University of Copenhagen before being appointed, in 2013, as Lecturer, and, in 2017, as Senior Lecturer, in English Language and Applied Linguistics at The Open University, UK. A linguist by training, Kristina holds a certificate in public policy analysis from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her research has been funded by the UKRI, Leverhulme Trust, Danish Research Council, Carlsberg Foundation, British Council, British Association for Applied Linguistics, and others. In 2021, she was awarded a Personal Chair in recognition of her contributions to research and academic leadership.

Kristina reviews research proposals for the European Research Council, European Science Foundation, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, UK Research and Innovation, Economic and Social Sciences Research Council, Newton International Fellowship, British Academy, British Association for Applied Linguistics, and some National Research Councils around the world. She is Reviews Editor for Applied Linguistics and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of English-Medium InstructionJournal of English for Research Publication PurposesJournal of Applied Language Studies and Routledge Studies in English-Medium Instruction. Kristina served on the Executive Committee of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (2017-2021) and was member of the Young Academy of DenmarkThe Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (2011–2014).

Research interests

Kristina's work forges interdisciplinary collaborations in the intersection of linguistics and political science to uncover fundamental principles driving Englishization and its consequences for linguistic and social justice. Kristina is Principal Investigator of ELEMENTAL, a large, collaborative, interdisciplinary, UKRI-funded project that seeks to trace the causal mechanism between past decades’ higher education governance reforms and English as a language of teaching in European higher education. This work, which aims to unlock a step change in sociolinguistics by uncovering links between governance reforms and Englishization, was recognised with a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship award in 2020. Kristina is also Principal Investigator of EMEGEN, a British Council-funded project exploring the link between gender equality and English as a Medium of Education.

Research students keen to work in an area related to Englishization of education, the sociolinguistics of globalization, language policy, and English as a medium of instruction are welcome to get in touch. Below are some current and completed research projects supervised by Kristina:

  • Karim Karmi (PhD): English as a Medium of Instruction in Tunisian Higher Education Institutions: Exploring Attitudes, Challenges and Opportunities
  • An Nguyen (PhD): Effects of the Medium of Instruction on students’ agency: A comparative study between Vietnamese and English Medium of Instruction at a Vietnamese university
  • Natalia Smirnova (PhD): Contemporary writing for publication practices of Russian scholars: What are their strategies and values, ideologies?
  • Pallavi (PhD): Monolingual ideologies and translanguaging practices: A study of multilingual Indian classrooms (completed)
  • Simone Stuers (EdD): English as a medium of instruction in higher education in Germany: A study into English language entry requirements (completed)
  • Stephen Jennings (EdD): Implementing English language teaching reform in higher education in Japan: A case study of Japanese English teachers in a science university (completed)

Teaching interests

Kristina has held teaching positions at Oxford, Copenhagen, Edge Hill and The Open University. Her research-led teaching ensures students are kept abreast of cutting-edge academic debates. As Chair of English Grammar in Context and Language, Literacy and Learning, Kristina has created and delivered innovative distance learning modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Kristina is Senior Academic Reviewer for the Arab Open University and External Examiner for the University of Birmingham's MA in Applied Linguistics.

Impact and engagement

Kristina's research seeks to make a positive impact in the world through advancing linguistic, social and educational justice. Her research on gender and English as a medium of instruction in low- and middle-income countries seeks to make a positive difference towards Goal 5 in the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. This work reaches out to educational policymakers in low- and middle-income countries who are under obligation to improve gender equality as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. It also co-creates a set of Open Educational Resources with teachers who wish to extend their agency by making their teaching more gender-inclusive. Her work in European higher education seeks to raise awareness of lesser known links between goverance reforms and the rise of English with a view to improving higher education governance and creating more equitable linguistic, educational and societal conditions. Kristina's work has underpinned the championing of ‘parallel language policy’ – the dual use of the national Nordic languages alongside English – across the Nordic higher education sector and informed the British Council’s position paper on English in Higher Education.

Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
CREET: Language and Literacies Research ClusterClusterFaculty of Education and Language Studies


Externally funded projects

English -Medium Education in Low and Middle Income Contexts: Enabler or Barrier to Gender Equality?
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Apr 202229 Mar 2024British Council

Examining gender and English as a medium of education (EME) in low and middle income contexts.

Current Practice in English Medium Education (EME) in Higher Education (HE); A Selection of Case Studies
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Dec 202029 Mar 2021British Council

This is a University of Westminster led project investigating policies and practices of English Medium Education in selected higher education institutions in four ODA (Official Development Assistance) contexts. The cases have been chosen to represent different positions on the ODA continuum, from ‘least developed’ (Nepal and Bangladesh) to ‘upper middle income’ (Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan). The overarching objective is to understand the role of English in creating, mediating and perpetuating inequality in global higher education.

English as a Medium of Instruction in European Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Europe and the UK
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Aug 202031 Oct 2025UK Research and Innovation

In the past few decades, higher education institutions in non-Anglophone Europe have seen a dramatic increase by more than 1,000% in English-taught programmes. Despite a recent surge in interest in this phenomenon, mainly from Sociolinguists and Applied Linguists, the reasons why it happens are not yet fully understood, arguably due to a failure of researchers to sufficiently engage with academic governance. The overarching hypothesis to test in this project is whether English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) is an explicit policy decision or whether it happens indirectly as a - perhaps unintended - consequence of ‘New Public Management’, an approach to governance which draws on techniques from the private sector to enhance the quality and efficiency of public institutions. Derived from the UK, this type of governance has increasingly been adopted by European higher education institutions (Broucker and De Wit 2015; Enders et al. 2011; European Commission 2011). As EMI is expected to continue to grow and has profound economic, educational, professional and societal implications not just for non-Anglophone Europe but also for the UK, the need for research into this area is both pressing and immense. Fieldwork will be conducted in higher education institutions in six European nation states that are known to differ in the amount of EMI offered. The aim is to gain an in-depth understanding of whether the variability in EMI can be traced to different institutional and national governance structures. A desk-based cross-case comparison will then be conducted of 15 higher education institutions in Europe to enable us to arrive at a generalized model of which institutional and national factors are conducive to EMI. Designed to assess causal inference, the methods of Process Tracing, borrowed from Political Science, and Qualitative Comparative Analysis will be employed. In combination, these two methods will enable us to obtain both an in-depth, contextually sensitive understanding as well as a generalizable model of the factors leading to EMI. The outcomes of the project will benefit both academics and wider society. The main theoretical outcome will be an understanding of how the implementation of specific governance structures impact on language shift and the valuation of different languages. The main societal benefit will accrue from a 'best practice' framework to ensure that EMI is delivered without adverse effects on teaching, learning and wider society. This will pave the way for the second stage of the project which will explore the opportunities brought by EMI to the UK English for Academic Purposes industry. In sum, by researching the causes of EMI and devising innovative solutions to facilitate a more thought-through implementation of it, the outcomes of the project will be of mutual benefit to both UK and non-Anglophone European economy and society.

Researching English academic reading demands in content courses in two contrasting English-medium university domains (Nepal and Sweden) with reference to the potential role of TOEFL iBT reading tests
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Mar 201731 Dec 2019TOEFL

The TOEFL EMI project will draw on Evidence-Centred Design (ECD), identified as an important conceptual framework "for the design and delivery of educational assessments, organized around the idea of assessment as evidentiary argument" (Mislevy and Yin 2013). Within the ECD framework, the project will investigate the potential role of the TOEFL iBT examination in two diverse university contexts which use English as a medium of instruction (EMI), one in Sweden and the other in Nepal. Since reading is a key conduit by which university students must access content information, the project focuses on academic reading practices and on the potential role of TOIEFL iBT reading test materials in testing academic reading in such EMI settings. The project will accordingly research both domains in terms of academic reading practice and levels of ability, and as part of this will deploy TOEFL iBT reading tasks to test the reading of undergraduates in both contexts (n=100). If the TOEFL iBT exam is to be used in future in EMI contexts, such Domain Analysis is indispensable. The central aim of the project is therefore to elucidate the potential role of the TOEFL iBT test in testing academic reading in such contexts, and to recommend approaches to deploying the exam in such domains in future.

English Medium Instruction in Lower and Middle Income Countries (LMICs); challenges and opportunities in Ghana and India
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Apr 201531 Oct 2016British Council

This research will explore the evidence of the potential of English Medium Instruction (EMI) to improve equity and access to school that results in better educational and life chances, particularly for disadvantaged groups in India and Ghana


English-medium education and the perpetuation of girls’ disadvantage: Parental investment and gendered aspirations in Nepal (2024-09)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Upadhaya, Anu; O'Hagan, Lauren Alex; Wingrove, Peter; Adamu, Amina; Greenfield, Mari; Lombardozzi, Lorena; Sah, Pramod K.; Tsiga, Ismaila A.; Umar, Aishat and Wolfenden, Freda
English Today ((Early Access))

The (in)justice of EMI: a critical discourse analysis of two key stakeholders’ views on the Polytechnic University of Milan court case (2024-08-06)
Zuaro, Beatrice; Yuksel, Dogan; Wingrove, Peter; Nao, Marion and Hultgren, Anna K.
Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 13(1) (pp. 29-49)

Process Tracing for applied linguistics (2024-08)
Thomas, Nathan; Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Zuaro, Beatrice; Yuksel, Dogan; Wingrove, Peter; Nao, Marion and Beach, Derek
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 3, Article 100118(2)

Macro-level language policy and planning to promote and maintain English-taught programmes in Turkish higher education: a Process Tracing perspective (2024)
Yuksel, Dogan; Nao, Marion; Wingrove, Peter; Zuaro, Beatrice and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Current Issues in Language Planning ((Early access))

University autonomy is a predictor of English medium instruction in European higher education (2024)
Wingrove, Peter; Zuaro, Beatrice; Nao, Marion; Yuksel, Dogan; Littvay, Levente and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Higher Education ((Early Access))

Educación en inglés y la perpetuación de la desigualdad de las niñas: inversión parental y aspiraciones de género en Nepal [English education and the perpetuation of girls' inequality: parental investment and gender aspirations in Nepal] (2023)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Upadhaya, Anu; O'Hagan, Lauren Alex; Wingrove, Peter; Adamu, Amina; Greenfield, Anne-Mari; Lombardozzi, Lorena; Sah, Pramod; Tsiga, Ismaila; Umar, Aishat and Wolfenden, Freda
Cuadernos de pedagogía, 2023(543)

University autonomy and the increasing shift to English in academic programmes at European universities: In dialogue with Liviu Matei (2023)
Nao, Marion; Wingrove, Peter; Yuksel, Dogan; Zuaro, Beatrice and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Sociolinguistica, 37(2) (pp. 287-299)

The limits of translingualism: In search of complementary forms of resistance (2022-12-20)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Molinari, Julia
Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, 16(3) (pp. 48-68)

New understandings of the rise of English as a medium of instruction in higher education: the role of key performance indicators and institutional profiling (2022-09-27)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Wilkinson, Robert
International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2022(277) (pp. 47-59)

Assessment and English as a medium of instruction: Challenges and Opportunities (2022)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Owen, Nathaniel; Shrestha, Prithvi; Kuteeva, Maria and Mezek, Spela
Journal of English-Medium Instruction, 1(1) (pp. 105-123)

English and/or Russian medium publications? A case study exploring academic research writing in contemporary Russian academia (2021-09-01)
Smirnova, Natalia V.; Lillis, Theresa and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 53, Article 101015

Applied linguistics as a smorgasbord of ontologies: A rejoinder to Lanvers’ ‘Spare a thought for the language learner!’ (2021-08-07)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Nordic Journal of English Studies, 20(1) (pp. 284-291)

Introduction: Global English and Social Justice (2020-10-07)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Nordic Journal of English Studies, 19(3) (pp. 1-9)

Global English: From “Tyrannosaurus Rex” to “Red Herring” (2020-10-07)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Nordic Journal of English Studies, 19(3) (pp. 10-34)

Epilogue: Ways Forward for Global English (2020)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Nordic Journal of English Studies, 19(3) (pp. 199-206)

English as the Language for Academic Publication: on Equity, Disadvantage and ‘Non-Nativeness’ as a Red Herring (2019-04-29)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Publications, 7, Article 31(2)

'People can be smarter with two languages': changing anglophone students' attitudes to language learning through teaching linguistics (2019)
Lanvers, Ursula; Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Gayton, Angela Mary
The Language Learning Journal, 47(1) (pp. 88-104)

[Book review] Reconceptualising authenticity for English as a global language by R. S. Pinner (2019)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
BAAL News(114) (pp. 22-23)

Forum on English-medium Instruction (2018-09)
Coleman, Jim; Hultgren, Kristina; Li, Wei; Tsui, Cheng-Fang Cynthia and Shaw, Philip
TESOL Quarterly, 52(3) (pp. 701-720)

The Englishization of Nordic universities: What do scientists think? (2018)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
European Journal of Language Policy, 10(1) (pp. 77-95)

The Englishization of European education: Foreword (2018)
Lanvers, Ursula and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
European Journal of Language Policy, 10(1) (pp. 1-11)

The Englishization of European education: Concluding remarks (2018)
Lanvers, Ursula and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
European Journal of Language Policy, 10(1) (pp. 147-152)

Vocatives as rationalized politeness: Theoretical insights from emerging norms in call centre service encounters (2017-02)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Journal of Sociolinguistics, 21(1) (pp. 90-111)

New perspectives on language and gender: Linguistic prescription and compliance in call centres (2017)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Language in Society, 46(5) (pp. 674-695)

Medium of instruction policies in Ghanaian and Indian primary schools: an overview of key issues and recommendations (2016)
Erling, Elizabeth J.; Adinolfi, Lina; Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Buckler, Alison and Mukorera, Mark
Comparative Education, 52(3) (pp. 294-310)

English language use at the internationalised universities of Northern Europe: Is there a correlation between Englishisation and world rank? (2014-06-01)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Multilingua, 33(3–4) (pp. 389-414)

Whose parallellingualism? Overt and covert ideologies in Danish university language policies (2014-01-01)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Multilingua, 1-2(33) (pp. 61-87)

Englishization of Nordic universities: policy and practice — a disconnect (2014)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Thøgersen, Jacob
Language Problems and Language Planning, 38(3) (pp. 247-264)

Lexical borrowing from English into Danish in the sciences: an empirical investigation of 'domain loss' (2013-07)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 23(2) (pp. 166-182)

Sproglig normering i callcentre og på universiteter - hvordan og hvorfor? [Linguistic normation in call centres and universities – how and why?] (2013)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Nydanske Sprogstudier [Studies in Modern Danish], 44 (pp. 31-55)

Domænetab i Danmark: en undersøgelse af sammenhængen mellem 'engelsk i stedet for dansk' og 'engelsk i dansk' [Domain loss in Denmark: an investigation of the relationship between 'English instead of Danish' and 'English in Danish'] (2012-12)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Nordand: nordisk tidsskrift for andrespraaksforskning [Nordic Journal of Second Language Research], 2012(2)

‘Building rapport’ with customers across the world: the global diffusion of a call centre speech style (2011-02)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Journal of Sociolinguistics, 15(1) (pp. 36-64)

Fup og fakta i debatten om domænetab [Truisms and fallacies in the debate about domain loss] (2011)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Nyt fra Sprognævnet [News from the Language Council], 2011(1) (pp. 5-8)

Women’s Linguistic Dilemma in the Public Workforce (1999)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Angles on the English-Speaking World, 11 (pp. 27-41)

Current practice in English-medium education in higher education: Case studies from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Bangladesh and Nepal (2021-10)
Linn, Andrew; Shrestha, Prithvi; Bezborodova, Anastasiya and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
ISBN : 978-0-86355-992-1 | Publisher : British Council | Published : London

Multilingual classrooms: opportunities and challenges for English medium instruction in low and middle income contexts (2017-09-30)
Erling, Elizabeth J.; Adinolfi, Lina and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
ISBN : 978-1-909437-90-6 | Publisher : Education Development Trust/British Council | Published : Reading

Parallelsproglighed på danske universiteter: En statusrapport 2013 [Parallel language use at Danish universities: A status report 2013] (2013)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Publisher : Copenhagen Studies of Bilingualism | Published : Copenhagen

Remaking the world with linguistics (2025)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In: Milak, Eldin and Tankosić, Ana eds. Becoming a Linguist: Advice from Key Thinkers in Language Studies (pp. 117-128)
ISBN : 9781003392606 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London

English-medium instruction in higher education throughout Europe (2024-02-02)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In: Bolton, Kingsley; Botha, Werner and Lin, Benedict eds. The Routledge Handbook of English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education (pp. 81-95)
ISBN : 9781003011644 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London

Women and the construction and valuing of knowledge in academia (2024)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Habibie, Pejman
In: Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Habibie, Pejman eds. Women in Scholarly Publishing (pp. 1-22)
Publisher : Routledge

New insights into the trend towards English as a medium of instruction in European higher education through transdisciplinary participation (2023-10-25)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Nao, Marion; Wingrove, Peter; Yuksel, Dogan and Zuaro, Beatrice
In: Hynninen, N.; Herneaho, I.; Sippola, E.; Isosävi, J. and Yang, M. eds. Kieli ja osallisuus – Språk och delaktighet – Language and participation. AFinLAn vuosikirja 2023 [AFinLa Yearbook 2023] (pp. 318-331)
ISBN : 978-951-9388-76-2 | Publisher : Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistys AFinLA | Published : Jyväskylä

Certifying Knowledge Under Neoliberalism: Global Inequality and Academic Wellbeing (2022-09-22)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In: Habibie, Perjman and Hultgren, Anna Kristina eds. The Inner World of Gatekeeping in Scholarly Publication (pp. 163-182)
ISBN : 978-3-031-06519-4 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan

Different Faces of Gatekeeping and Gatekeepers (2022-09-22)
Habibie, Pejman and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In: Habibie, Pejman and Hultgren, Anna Kristina eds. The Inner World of Gatekeeping in Scholarly Publication (pp. 9-24)
ISBN : 978-3-031-06519-4 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan

English-Medium Instruction in Danish Universities: An Unintended Policy? (2022-07-28)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In: McKinley, Jim and Galloway, Nicola eds. English-Medium Instruction Practices in Higher Education International Perspectives (pp. 47-57)
ISBN : 9781350167858 | Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing

Englishization in Danish higher education: From critical to constructive conceptualizations (2021-12-06)
Dimova, Slobodanka; Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Kling, Joyce
In: Wilkinson, Robert and Gabriëls, René eds. The Englishization of Higher Education in Europe (pp. 143-162)
Publisher : Amsterdam University Press | Published : Amsterdam

Globalizing politeness?: Towards a globalization-sensitive framework of mediated service encounters (2019)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In: Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, Pilar; Fernández-Amaya, Lucía and de la O Hernández-López, María eds. Technology Mediated Service Encounters. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series (300) (pp. 97-120)
ISBN : 9789027262998 | Publisher : John Benjamins

Medium of Instruction (MOI) policies in Ghanaian and Indian primary schools: an overview of key issues and recommendations (2018)
Erling, E. J.; Adinolfi, L.; Hultgren, A. K.; Buckler, A. and Mukorera, M.
In: Milligan, L. O. and Tikly, L. eds. English as a medium of instruction in postcolonial contexts: issues of quality, equity and social justice
ISBN : 978-1138564022 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Oxford

Parallel Language Use (2016-08)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In: Linn, Andrew ed. Investigating English in Europe: Contexts and Agendas. English in Europe (pp. 158-163)
ISBN : 978-1-61451-895-2 | Publisher : Mouton de Gruyter

Ethics in language and identity research (2016-03-04)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Erling, Elizabeth J. and Chowdhury, Qumrul Hasan
In: Preece, Sian ed. Routledge Handbook of Language and Identity. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics
ISBN : 978-1-13-877472-8 | Publisher : Routledge

The Role of Policy in Shaping English as a University Subject in Denmark (2016)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In: Hewings, A.; Prescott, L. and Seargeant, P. eds. Futures for English Studies: Teaching Language, Literature and Creative Writing in Higher Education (pp. 120-138)
ISBN : 978-1-137-43180-6 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan

Domain Loss: the rise and demise of a concept (2016)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In: Linn, Andrew ed. Investigating English in Europe: Contexts and Agendas. English in Europe (pp. 153-158)
ISBN : 978-1-61451-895-2 | Publisher : Mouton de Gruyter

English as an international language of science and its effect on Nordic terminology: the view of scientists (2015-07)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In: Linn, Andrew; Bermel, Neil and Ferguson, Gibson eds. Attitudes towards English in Europe. Language and Social Life (2) (pp. 139-164)
ISBN : 978-1-61451-551-7 | Publisher : De Gruyter Mouton | Published : Berlin

Introduction: English-medium instruction in European higher education: from the North to the South (2015-07)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Jensen, Christian and Dimova, Slobodanka
In: Dimova, Slobodanka; Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Jensen, Christian eds. English-Medium Instruction in European Higher Education. Language and Social Life (4) (pp. 1-16)
ISBN : 978-1-61451-527-2 | Publisher : De Gruyter Mouton | Published : Berlin

English-medium instruction in European higher education: review and future research. (2015-06-26)
Dimova, Slobodanka; Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Jensen, Christian
In: Dimova, Slobodanka; Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Jensen, Christian eds. English-Medium Instruction in European Higher Education. Language and Social Life (4) (pp. 317-324)
ISBN : 978-1-61451-527-2 | Publisher : De Gruyter Mouton | Published : Berlin

Landerapport Danmark: Parallelsproglighed på danske universiteter: en statusrapport 2013 [Parallellingualism at Danish universities: a status report 2013] (2015-03-11)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In: Gregersen, Frans ed. Hvor parallelt: Om parallellspråkighet på Nordens universitet (pp. 117-196)
ISBN : 978-92-893-2787-9 | Publisher : Nordic Council | Published : Copenhagen

English in Nordic universities: ideologies and practices (2014-09)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Gregersen, Frans and Thøgersen, Jacob
In: Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Gregersen, Frans and Thøgersen, Jacob eds. English in Nordic Universities: Ideologies and Practices. Studies in World Language Problems (5) (pp. 1-26)
ISBN : 9789027228369 | Publisher : John Benjamins | Published : Amsterdam

Lexical variation at the internationalized university: are “indexicality” and “authenticity” always relevant? (2014)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In: Lacoste, Véronique; Leimgruber, Jakob and Breyer, Thiemo eds. Indexing Authenticity: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. linguae & litterae (39) (pp. 304-323)
ISBN : 978-3-11-034347-2 | Publisher : De Gruyter Mouton | Published : Berlin/Boston

Linguistic competences: Do they really need improving? (2014)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In: Cancino, Rita and Dam, Lotte eds. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Language Competence (pp. 189-213)
ISBN : 978-87-7112-187-2 | Publisher : Aalborg University Press

Communication skills in contemporary service workplaces: some problems (2010-06-24)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Cameron, Deborah
In: Forey, Gail and Lockwood, Jane eds. Globalisation, Communication and the Workplace: Talking Across the World (pp. 41-57)
ISBN : 978-0-8264-4607-7 | Publisher : Continuum International Publishing Group | Published : London

“How may I help you?” Questions, control and customer care in call centre telephone talk (2010-01-14)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Cameron, Deborah
In: Freed, Alice and Ehrlich, Susan eds. “Why Do You Ask?” The Function of Questions in Institutional Settings (pp. 322-342)
ISBN : 978-0-19-530689-7 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : New York

Reconstructing the sex dichotomy in language and gender research: some advantages of using correlational sociolinguistics (2008-07-10)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In: Harrington, Kate; Litosseliti, Lia; Sauntson, Helen and Sunderland, Jane eds. Gender and Language Research Methodologies (pp. 29-42)
ISBN : 9780230550681 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Basingstoke

Women in Scholarly Publishing: A Gender Perspective (2024)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Habibie, Pejman
Hultgren, Federico and Habibie, Pejman eds.
ISBN : 9781032045207 | Publisher : Routledge

The Inner World of Gatekeeping in Scholarly Publication (2022-09-29)
Habibie, Pejman and Hultgren, Anna Kristina eds.
ISBN : 978-3-031-06518-7 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

Narratives of innovation and resilience: Supporting student learning experiences in challenging times (2021-01)
Blaj-Ward, Lia; Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Arnold, Ruth and Reichard, Bella eds.
ISBN : 978-0-9554874-3-9 | Publisher : BALEAP | Published : Renfrew

English-Medium Instruction in European Higher Education (2015-06-26)
Dimova, Slobodanka; Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Jensen, Christian eds.
Language and Social Life
ISBN : 978-1-61451-527-2 | Publisher : De Gruyter Mouton | Published : Berlin

English in Nordic Universities: Ideologies and Practices (2014)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Gregersen, Frans and Thøgersen, Jacob eds.
Studies in World Language Problems
ISBN : 978-90-272-2836-9 | Publisher : John Benjamins | Published : Amsterdam

Exploring access, barriers and gender equality in STEM education at a Bangladeshi University (2023-09-07)
Shrestha, Prithvi; Kotecki, Claire; Jahan, Rubaiyat; Homyara, Halida; Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Mitu, Nasreen Sultana

Critically assessed: A discourse analytic approach to interview data in Process Tracing methodology (2023-09)
Nao, Marion; Yuksel, Dogan; Zuaro, Beatrice; Wingrove, Peter and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : 13th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP) 2023 (4-6 Sep 2023, University of Glasgow)

English as the Language-of-Education Mechanisms in Europe: New Transdisciplinary Approaches in Linguistics (2023-09)
Zuaro, Beatrice; Wingrove, Peter; Yuksel, Dogan; Nao, Marion and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : 7th International Contemporary Educational Research Congress (27-30 Sep 2023, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Turkey)

Introducing Process Tracing to Shed New Light on Causal Mechanisms in Applied Linguistics (2023-08)
Thomas, Nathan; Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Zuaro, Beatrice; Yuksel, Dogan; Wingrove, Peter; Nao, Marion and Beach, Derek
In : BAAL 2023 (British Association for Applied Linguistics, 56th Annual Conference) (23-25 Aug 2023, University of York, York, UK)

Higher education autonomy and EMI: A Process Tracing investigation of Italian EMI (2023-08)
Zuaro, Beatrice; Yuksel, Dogan; Wingrove, Peter; Nao, Marion and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : The English Language Seminar (ELS) Seminar (28 Aug 2023, Department of English, Stockholm University, Sweden)

Towards a Critical EMI: New Transdisciplinary Approaches in Linguistics (2023-03)
Yuksel, Dogan; Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Wingrove, Peter; Zuaro, Beatrice and Nao, Marion
In : AAAL 2023 (American Association for Applied Linguistics) (18-21 Mar 2023, Portland, Oregon, USA)

Symposium: Research on English as a Medium of Instruction: Applied Linguistics and Interdisciplinarity (2023)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Nao, Marion; Wingrove, Peter; Yuksel, Dogan and Zuaro, Beatrice
In : 56th Annual Conference of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL 2023) (23-25 Aug 2023, University of York, York)

Typicalising language shift as inevitability: From German to English at an Austrian university. (2023)
Nao, Marion and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : 18th International Pragmatics Conference (9-14 Jul 2023, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium)

“Let me say this first…” Reactions of stakeholders towards EMI in Turkey (2023)
Yuksel, Dogan; Wingrove, Peter; Zuaro, Beatrice; Nao, Marion and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : ELINET First Annual Conference (13-14 Apr 2023, University of Glasgow)

What are the drivers of EMI, and does it matter? A close-up look at an Austrian university (2023)
Nao, Marion; Wingrove, Peter; Yuksel, Dogan; Zuaro, Beatrice and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : ELINET First Annual Conference (13-14 Apr 2023, University of Glasgow)

Tracing the Causes of English as a Medium of Instruction through Process Tracing (2022)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Nao, Marion; Sah, Pramod and Beach, Derek
In : Sociolinguistics Symposium 24 - Inside and Beyond Binaries (13-16 Jul 2022, Ghent University, Belgium)

Researching Academic Reading in two contrasting EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) university contexts, and implications for the design of EAP reading tests (2021)
Owen, Nathaniel; Shrestha, Prithvi and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Assessment in Multilingual Contexts: Models, Practices, Policies & Challenges (14-17 Jun 2021, virtual)

English medium instruction: Global views and countries in focus: Introduction to the symposium held at the Department of Education, University of Oxford on Wednesday 4 November 2015 (2019-04)
Ernesto, Macaro; Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Andy, Kirkpatrick and David, Lasagabaster
(pp. 231-248)

Professional Development in EMI Contexts in the Global North and the Global South: Does one size fit all? (2019)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Owen, Nathaniel and Shrestha, Prithvi
In : XVIII AELFE Congress, Spanish Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (20-21 Jun 2019, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain)

Closing keynote: The rise of English as the language for academic publication: On equity, disadvantage and ‘non-nativeness’ as a red herring (2018-09-16)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : 4th international conference on Publishing and Presenting Research Internationally: Issues for Speakers of English as an Additional Language (14/09/2018-16/09/2018, Reykjavik, Iceland)

New perspectives on language and gender: From 'indexicality' to 'materiality' in call centres (2018)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Sociolinguistics Symposium 22 (27-30 Jun)

The Drive towards English as a Medium of Instruction in non-English-Dominant European Universities: A Call for Reframing Language Policy and Planning (2018)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : BAAL SIG Language Policy Forum (31 May - 1 Jun 2018, Sheffield Hallam University)

Rationalizing politeness: Naming as a shortcut to customer care in call centre telephone talk (2016)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Sociolinguistics Symposium 21 (15-18 Jun 2016, Murcia)

The Englishization of non-English-dominant universities: An unforeseen consequence of university rankings? (2016)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Sociolinguistics Symposium 21 (15-18 Jun 2016, Murcia)

EMI in higher education: Implications for EAP (2016)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : BALEAP PIM: EMI in Higher Education: the challenges and the opportunities (11 Jun 2016, Southampton)

EMI and multilingualism in non-English-dominant universities: reflecting on symptoms and root causes (2016)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : The Multilingual University: The Linguistic Landscape in HE in ED and EMI Settings: Future Directions (8-9 Jul 2016)

English as a medium of instruction in international higher education: Your questions answered (2016)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : 20th UK NARIC Annual Conference (21 Nov 2016, London)

English-Medium Instruction in European Higher Education: lessons from the Nordic countries (2015)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Going Global 2015: The Conference for Leaders in International Education (1-2 Jun 2015, London, UK)

English Medium Instruction in Scandinavian Higher education: issues and controversies (2015)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : English Medium Instruction: Global Views and Countries in Focus (15 Nov 2015, University of Oxford, Department of Education)

English language use at universities of non-Anglophone European countries: is there a correlation between Englishization and world rank? (2014)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Sociolinguistics Symposium 20 (15-18 Jun 2014, Jyväskylä)

English in Nordic universities: Ideologies and practices (2013-07-18)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Languages and Internationalization in Higher Education: Ideologies, Practices, Alternatives (18-20 Jul 2013, Reykjavik, Iceland)

English language use at Denmark’s internationalized universities: is there a correlation between volume of English use and world rank? (2013)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : English Language in teaching in European Higher Education (19-21 Apr 2013, Copenhagen)

Engelsk som universitetssprog i Danmark? Norm og praksis i sprogforskningen [English as a university language in Denmark? Norm and practice in linguistic research] (2013)
Harder, Peter and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Forskningens Døgn (13 May 2013, Copenhagen)

English language use at the internationalized universities of Northern Europe: Is there a correlation between Englishization and world rank? (2013)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Parallelsproglighed og internationalisering på nordiske universiteter - dyrt men dejligt! (3 May 2013, Copenhagen)

Publishing internationally: what are the consequences for Nordic scientific terminology? (2012-08)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : 19th Sociolinguistics Symposium (21-24 Aug 2012, Berlin)

English as a language of science and the consequences for Nordic terminology (2012-06)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : 11th Nordic Conference on Bilingualism (14-16 Jun 2012, Danish School of Education, Copenhagen)

Sproglige kompetencer på den globaliserede arbejdsplads: Hvad er det og hvorfor anses det for vigtigt? [Language competences in the globalized workplace: what is it and why is it considered important?] (2012)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Symposium on 'Language Competences' (12 Dec 2012, University of Aalborg)

Bilingual practices in higher education in northern Europe: a case for terminology planning? (2012)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : The English Language in Europe: Debates and Discourses (20-22 Apr 2012, Sheffield)

English in Scandinavian Academia: Ideologies and Practices (2012)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Higher education across borders: Transcultural interaction and linguistic diversity (2-4 Apr 2012, Roskilde, Denmark)

Code-switching in the internationalized academe: are indexicality and authenticity always relevant? (2011-11)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Indexing authenticity: perspectives from linguistics and anthropology (25-27 Nov 2011, University of Freiburg)

What is language and what have people got to do with it? (2011-11)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Third CIP Symposium (11 Nov 2011, University of Copenhagen)

‘Building rapport’ with customers across the world: the global diffusion of a call centre speech style (2011)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (23-28 Aug 2011, Beijing Foreign Studies University)

English and Danish in contact in the natural sciences at the University of Copenhagen: assessing the risk of ‘domain loss’ (2011)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : 2nd I-Mean Conference (13-15 Apr 2011, University of the West of England)

Parallellspråkiga mål för Nordens internationaliserade universitet: En empirisk undersökning av ‘domänförlust’ [Parallellingual goals for the internationalized universities of the Nordic countries: An empirical study of ‘domain Loss’ (2011)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Network for Parallellingual Goals at the Internationalized Universities of the Nordic Countries, Marienlyst, Elsinore, Denmark (30 May 2011, Helsingør, Denmark)

Sociolinguistic theory and public representations of language: a marriage made in hell? (2010-09)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : 18th Sociolinguistic Symposium (1-4 Sep 2010, University of Southampton)

‘Thanks for your call, Kevin’: Terms of address in call centre service transactions (2006)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Sociolinguistics Symposium 16, University of Limerick (6-8 Jul 2006, Limerick, Ireland)

'Communication skills’: The downside (2006)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Cameron, Deborah
In : Talking across the world (24-25 Feb 2006, Manila, Philippines)

Reconstructing the sex dichotomy in language and gender research: Call centres and ‘women’s language’ (2005)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : Theoretcial and Methodological Approcahes to Gender and Language Study: British Association for Applied Linguistics and Cambridge University Press Seminar (18-19 Nov 2005, Birmingham, UK)

The regulation of language in call centre service transactions (2005)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : University of Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics (23-24 Sep 2005, Oxford, UK)

Talking like a man in a service job: Language, gender and stereotypes (2004)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
In : 2nd Postgraduate Conference in Language Research (19 Mar 2004, Cambridge, UK)

Bridging the STEM gap in higher education in Bangladesh: Exploring female underrepresentation in STEM subjects (2023-12-18)
Shrestha, Prithvi; Kotecki, Claire; Jahan, Rubaiyat; Homyara, Halida; Hultgren, Kristina and Mitu, Nasreen Sultana
UKFIET, Online.

Researching Academic Reading in Two Contrasting English as a Medium of Instruction Contexts at a University Level (2021-03-29)
Owen, Nathaniel; Shrestha, Prithvi and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
(TOEFL Research Report No. RR-91). Educational Testing Service

Tracing the causes of the rise of English as an international language (2021)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
British Association for Applied Linguistics

[Book review] Internationalization of Higher Education in East Asia - Trends of student mobility and impact on education governance, Edited by Ka Ho Mok & Kar Ming Yu (2014-12-23)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Journal of Interactive Media in Education 2014(2), p.Art. 2

SPEAKGLOBAL (2014-11-24)
Lanvers, Ursula and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Routes into Languages: free downloadable teacher pack

Parallelsproglighed på danske universiteter: en status rapport 2013. [Parallellingualism at Danish Universities: a status report 2013] (2013)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
University of Copenhagen: Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use, Copenhagen.

[Book review] Men Talk by Jennifer Coates (2003)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Linguistlist, 14.1739