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Perspectives on Components of an Online Training and Support Program for Dementia Family Caregivers in India: A Focus Group Study

There is a considerable need for support interventions for caregivers of people with dementia in developing countries, such as India. The purpose of the study was to identify the components and understand the acceptability of an online training and support program for dementia caregivers in India. Three focus group discussions were carried out with dementia caregivers (2) and health professionals (1) to understand the requirements of an online training and support program from their perspective. The commonly recurring themes were identified and defined using thematic content analysis.

Sat, 12/12/2020 - 14:54

A Personalized Voice-Based Diet Assistant for Caregivers of Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias: System Development and Validation

Background: The world's aging population is increasing, with an expected increase in the prevalence of Alzheimer disease and related dementias (ADRD). Proper nutrition and good eating behavior show promise for preventing and slowing the progression of ADRD and consequently improving patients with ADRD's health status and quality of life. Most ADRD care is provided by informal caregivers, so assisting caregivers to manage patients with ADRD's diet is important.

Sat, 12/12/2020 - 14:44

Perceived Need and Acceptability of an App to Support Activities of Daily Living in People With Cognitive Impairment and Their Carers: Pilot Survey Study

Background: Modern technologies, including smartphone apps, have the potential to assist people with cognitive impairment with activities of daily living, allowing them to maintain their independence and reduce carer burden.

Sat, 12/12/2020 - 14:21

Outcomes of physical activity for people living with dementia: qualitative study to inform a Core Outcome Set

Background The need for a Core Outcome Set to evaluate physical activity interventions for people living with dementia, across stages of disease and intervention settings has been established. This qualitative study precedes the consensus phase of developing this Core Outcome Set and aims to: (i) compare the outcomes identified by patients, carers and professionals to those previously reported in the literature; (ii) and understand why certain outcomes are considered important.

Sat, 12/12/2020 - 12:46

A need-based, multi-level, cross-sectoral framework to explain variations in satisfaction of care needs among people living with dementia

Background: Provision of care and support for people with dementia and family carers is complex, given variation in how dementia manifests, progresses and affects people, co-morbidities associated with ageing, as well as individual preferences, needs, and circumstances. The traditional service-led approach, where individual needs are assessed against current service provision, has been recognised as unfit to meet such complexity. As a result, people with dementia and family members often fail to receive adequate support, with needs remaining unmet.

Sat, 12/12/2020 - 11:52

Mastery and Longevity in Spousal Caregivers of Persons with Dementia

Objective Researchers have consistently shown that providing care in a gradually deteriorating situation, such as dementia, can be stressful and detrimental to the caregiver's (CG) health. Although stressor appraisal is important in understanding variability in CG outcomes, the role of personal mastery, a coping resource, in shaping CG's health outcomes has not been considered. The primary goal of this paper was to determine whether personal mastery is associated with a survival advantage for spousal CGs of persons with dementia.

Fri, 12/11/2020 - 17:50

Longitudinal study of medication use in caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease – Kuopio ALSOVA study

Background: The longitudinal pattern of medication use among family caregivers of people with dementia is not well understood, despite the potential for medication over- or under-use. Objectives: To investigate caregiver medication use over a five-year follow-up using data obtained via self-report and from a national prescription register, and compare agreement between medication data obtained from the two sources.

Fri, 12/11/2020 - 17:18

The Longitudinal Effects of Caregiver Grief in Dementia and the Modifying Effects of Social Services: A Prospective Cohort Study

BACKGROUND Caregivers of persons with dementia (PWD) can experience loss and grief long before the death of the PWD, with such caregiver grief postulated to affect the well‐being of the PWD‐caregiver dyads. However, the longitudinal effects of caregiver grief and the moderating effects of social services are not yet clear.

Fri, 12/11/2020 - 17:05

Living with Alzheimer Disease and Other Types of Dementia: Stories from Caregivers

This symposium includes twelve personal narratives from people who have provided care to a spouse, parent, another relative, or friend with Alzheimer disease or related dementias (ADRD). People with ADRDs often face years of cognitive decline with memory and thinking that eventually require help from others to assist with their daily activities. Most people caring for older adults in the US are unpaid family members, friends, or other informal caregivers. People providing care often experience emotional and physical stress, or financial burdens.

Fri, 12/11/2020 - 16:54

The key aspects of online support that older family carers of people with dementia want at the end of life: A qualitative study

Objectives: Family carers towards the end of life face a range of difficult challenges and have high levels of support needs. The aim of this study was to explore the challenges carers of people with dementia face towards the end of life and the support needs which could be addressed by online support. Methods: Qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with 23 current and former family carers of people with dementia in England in 2016–2017. Interviews were analysed using thematic analysis methods.

Fri, 12/11/2020 - 14:08

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