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Web of science - exported 12/7/2016

Reducing caregiver stress with internet-based interventions: a systematic review of open-label and randomized controlled trials

Objective The high level of stress associated with caring for others with medical conditions has been recognized for some time. Reducing caregiver stress can improve caregiver quality of life as well as improve the care they provide to loved ones. This systematic review assesses the effectiveness of internet-based interventions to decrease caregiver stress.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:21

Experiences of adult stroke survivors and their parent carers: a qualitative study

Objective: To explore the experiences of adult stroke survivors and their parent carers.

Design: Qualitative methodology: interpretative phenomenological analysis. Setting: Six residential areas across England and south Wales. Participants: Six adult stroke survivors (aged 27–46), six mothers (aged 59–76) and five fathers (aged 55–76).

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:21

Caregiving patterns in rural Andean Colombia

Are there local cultural ideals of filial caregiving responsibility - a type of repayment of a debt to parents - and do they differ by gender? How are filial caregiving responsibilities allocated among siblings in such instances, and how do they fit cultural ideals? Is caregiving negotiated among siblings; and if so, how?

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:21

To Live Close to a Person With Cancer - Experiences of Family Caregivers

The purpose of this study was to obtain a deeper understanding of the experiences of Family Caregivers (FC) living close to a patient with cancer. This article reports on the findings from individual interviews with 15 FCs of patients with cancer. The interview transcripts were analyzed using qualitative hermeneutic analysis. This study revealed that living close to a cancer patient over the course of his or her illness affected many aspects of FCs lives in significant ways.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:21

Coping with and factors impacting upon the experience of lung cancer in patients and primary carers

There is a paucity of research exploring patients' and their informal carers' experience of coping with and factors impacting on the lung cancer experience. This study aims to explore how patients and their informal carers cope with a diagnosis of lung cancer and describe the key factors that mediate distress in this population in order that they may be better supported in the future.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:21

Information management in healthcare - gaps and opportunities

Healthcare is one of the single largest areas of expenditure in many countries, and rapidly growing. There are increasing pressures resulting from the ageing of populations, consumer demand, new treatments and shortages of both professional and informal carers. Safety and quality of care is a major driver to improve management of health information which is often fragmented both within and between most healthcare providers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

Gender differentials on the health consequences of care-giving to people with AIDS-related illness among older informal carers in two slums in Nairobi, Kenya

Informal caregivers, most often older people, provide valuable care and support for people ill due to AIDS, especially in poor-resource settings with inadequate health care systems and limited access to antiretroviral therapy. The negative health consequences associated with care-giving may vary depending on various factors that act to mediate the extent of the effects on the caregiver. This paper investigates the association between care-giving and poor health among older carers to people living with AIDS, and examines potential within-gender differences in reporting poor health.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

Screening cancer patients' families with the distress thermometer (DT): a validation study

Although family members of cancer patients are at great risk of experiencing psychological distress, clinical tools to assist with recognizing and intervening with appropriate psychosocial care are sparse. This study reports on the first validation of the distress thermometer (DT) as a screening instrument for symptoms of depression and anxiety in family members of cancer patients. The DT was administered with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) in a sample of 321 family members.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

Aphasia blog talk: How does stroke and aphasia affect the carer and their relationship with the person with aphasia?

Background: Carers of stroke survivors with aphasia are at risk of experiencing negative bio-psychosocial consequences and reduced quality of life. So far, in aphasia studies, this has mainly been explored through qualitative interviews and questionnaires. Unsolicited first-person narratives in the form of blogs offer a novel and rich source of data to examine how stroke and aphasia affect the carer and their relationship with the person with aphasia.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

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