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Evaluating the quality of educational materials about schizophrenia

To identify and evaluate the reliability and quality of educational materials provided to individuals with schizophrenia and their carers. Materials used by mental health professionals working in community and in-patient settings were collated. Two independent raters used the ‘Discern’ questionnaire to assess the publications.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

Part 2: Home-based family caregiving at the end of life: a comprehensive review of published quantitative research (1998-2008)

Family caregivers are crucial for supporting home death. We reviewed published qualitative research on home-based family caregiving at end of life (1998—2008), synthesizing key findings and identifying gaps where additional research is needed. Multiple databases were searched and abstracts reviewed for a focus on family caregiving and palliative care; full articles were reviewed to extract data for this review. In total, 105 articles were included.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Part 1: Home-based family caregiving at the end of life: a comprehensive review of published quantitative research (1998-2008)

The changing context of palliative care over the last decade highlights the importance of recent research on home-based family caregiving at the end of life. This article reports on a comprehensive review of quantitative research (1998—2008) in this area, utilizing a systematic approach targeting studies on family caregivers, home settings, and an identified palliative phase of care (n = 129). Methodological challenges were identified, including: small, non-random, convenience samples; reliance on descriptive and bivariate analyses; and a dearth of longitudinal research.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14

Involving service users and carers in psychiatric education: what do trainees think?

In 2004 the Royal College of Psychiatrists made it clear that it was committed to increasing the involvement of service users and carers throughout psychiatric education. This has been mandatory since June 2005 and it has been a compulsory aspect of psychiatric training for schemes to demonstrate a meaningful involvement of users and carers in the training of psychiatrists.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14

Weekly Debates Scotland

This publication provides an overview of debates and reports on education, services for children and training in Scotland tabled in the House of Commons and House of Lords for the period March 3 to 7, 2014. Member of Parliament Linda Fabiani questions Minister for Youth Employment Angela Constance on various issues including the publication of the guidance on the administration of education maintenance allowance and the care.fair.share campaign for young carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Developing carers' contributions to social work training

Including informal carers within social work training programmes is generally regarded positively. Such approval is aligned with the view that users of welfare services possess valuable, even unique perspectives relevant to professional education and training. This article identifies three models incorporating the experience of carers into social work training and draws attention to aspects of good practice.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Learning with families: a training resource

The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities has developed a training resource with a difference - family carers, who are also encouraged to deliver the training alongside professionals, developed the contents to train staff working in learning disability services.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Helping carers care: an education programme for rural carers of people with a mental illness

OBJECTIVE: To provide descriptive information about a short-term educational programme for rural carers of people with a mental illness, living in the Loddon Campaspe Southern Mallee region.

METHOD: The Carers Education Exchange Programme is a flexible, needs-based model that can be modified to cater for individual groups. It consists of a number of sessions on topics relevant to caring for someone with a mental illness, held over a period of several weeks. The programme is offered at locations throughout the region, making it accessible to carers in isolated, rural areas.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11

“I Can’t Go to School and Leave Her in So Much Pain”: Educational Shortfalls Among Adolescent ‘Young Carers’ in the South African AIDS Epidemic

“I go to the hospital with my mother when she is sick. I can’t go to school and leave her in so much pain. I won’t concentrate.” Millions of adolescents live with AIDS-affected parents or primary caregivers. Little is known about educational impacts of living in an AIDS-affected home, or of acting as a “young carer” in the context of AIDS. This study combined qualitative and quantitative methods to determine educational impacts of household AIDS-sickness and other-sickness.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

Young Carers in the UK

Discusses the "Young Carers in the UK: The 2004 Report" which focuses on the third national survey of young carers in Great Britain. Data collection for the survey; Information on people with care needs; Range of caring tasks young people perform; Percentage of young carers providing different tasks; Impact of caring tasks on educational experiences of carers; Percentage of young carers assessed under the Children Act.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10