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  3. Consultation on the revision of the Mental Health Act 1983 Code of Practice for Wales

Consultation on the revision of the Mental Health Act 1983 Code of Practice for Wales

The new draft Code takes account of the changes to relevant legislation since the previous Code was written. Within the draft Code there is strengthened emphasis on: the involvement of patients and, where appropriate, their families and carers in all aspects of assessment and treatment; understanding the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and how these should apply to all care and treatment; the involvement of Independent Mental Health Advocates; and the use of appropriate transport for patient subject to the Act to ensure their dignity and safety as far as is practicable. There are two other matters of proposed guidance in the draft Code that are not in the existing code. In relation to the timing of assessments both at the police station and elsewhere, the draft Code proposes: that they should be undertaken within 3 hours and that detention in a police station should not exceed a maximum of 12 hours. Secondly, it proposes that a statutory care and treatment plan, if needed, will be started no longer than 72 hours after admission.

Original document (pdf) on the Welsh Government website.

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Type of Reference
Welsh government
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Social care online
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