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Professor Mary Larkin

Profile summary

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Professional biography

As my professorial title indicates, my main research interests are primarily: care, carers and caring (paid and unpaid) but more specifically include adult social care, relational care, student carers, former carers, carers of people with type 2 diabetes, older carers, carer and service user empowerment, the third sector and the life course approach to health and well-being.

I have led on a number of funded projects; undertaken (national and international) consultancies, mentoring, Advisory posts, NICE Guideline Committee membership, Research Fellowships and Commission Panel memberships around these areas; been a member of. a number of national and international (professional, government and public) bodies; Over the past few years I have been committed to maximising the potential of the existing carer-related knowledge and evidence base to inform policy, services and interventions to support carers. To this end I set up an international carers research collaborative network; co-founded the International Journal of Care and Caring (IJCC); co-produced the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) ‘Carers’ hub’. ( set up a freely accessible Carer-related knowledge Exchange Network (CAREN) (

Within the OU, I established the Care and Caring network @OU ( Through this network, I spearheaded significant institutional changes for student carer and staff support.  Notable achievements include  the first ever Carer scholarship scheme  (; a Student carers help page; a Student carer policy;  the OU’s Carer Positive employer award;  the  OU’s membership of Employers for Carers; and an OU Dependants and Carers policy. .  I also established and led  the OU's Carer research group which uniquely enhances the OU’s research portfolio; enables the OU to respond to carer’s prioritisation within policy and research; and undertakes pioneering scholarship that informs support and retention of student carers and extending educational opportunities to carers.  

As Emeritus Professor I continue to be involved with ongoing research projects, publish widely,  carry out PhD supervision and examination, maintain my  extensive networks and  give presentations about my work.

Research interests

Current research activities include:

  • Projects around embedding  relational care in care homes and community-based settings in the UK
  • The OU's “Learning pathways for Carers' programme
  • PhD supervision
  • Book proposal, book, research proposal and journal paper reviewer

Teaching interests

In the Universities in which I have been employed I have had numerous teaching and module leadership responsibilities across health and social care curricula. I have also authored various Open Learn courses.

Impact and engagement

Membership or offices held in learned societies and professional bodies

  • 2016-18: National Institute for Health Research School for Social Care Research
  • 2011-14: Honorary Research Fellow – Third Sector Research Centre

Membership of Government or other public committees

  • 2023: Appointed as Member of Department of Health and Social Care ‘Care Workforce Pathway - Expert Consultation Group’
  • 2023: Appointed as a Trustee,  Carers Network Westminster
  • 2021 -22: Appointed as Scientific Board Member of the European Commission “Social services with particular focus on personal targeted social services for people in vulnerable situations” programme
  • 2020: Appointed as Member of the Ministerial COVID-19 Adult Social Care Taskforce (to implement the Government’s COVID-19 Adult Social Care Plan
  • 2019: Appointed as Member of the Ministerial Carers Action Plan Oversight Group
  • 2017- 20: Appointed as Member NICE Guideline Committee – Provision of support for adult carers
  • 2017: Appointed as Member of NHS England Commitment to Carers Oversight Group
  • 2016-17: Appointed as Member of the cross-Government Independent Advisory Group on Carers
  • 2016: Chair, Research and Evidence Task and Finish Group, Standing Commission on Carers
  • 2016: Commission Panel member - Carers Trust ‘Care Act 2014 for Carers One Year On’
  • 2015-16: Appointed as Member of the cross-Government Standing Commission on Carers
  • 2015-16: Member of the Department of Health’s National Carers Strategy Reference Group


  • 2021: Academic consultant to the 2-part OU/BBC series ‘Inside the Care Crisis with Ed Balls’ Academic consultant to the 2-part OU/BBC series ‘Inside the Care Crisis with Ed Balls’ 
  • 2020: Advisor to the Cabinet office on post COVID-19 interventions for carers
  • 2018: Advisor to Behavioural Science team in the Department for Work and Pensions on the Carers Employment Digital Discovery project
  • 2018: Department of Health and Social care - forthcoming Green Paper on Care and Support for Older People
  • 2017: Government Office for Science - Informal care expert group
  • 2017: Development of the ‘business case’ for enhanced carer support - NHS England 
  • 2013-14 : Development of a ‘Carers Hub’ - Royal College of General Practitioners
  • 2012-8: Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) Co-production Network
  • 2011-14: Advisor to the Finnish Government on the development of a Finnish National Carers Strategy - Finnish Association of Caregiving Relatives and Friends
  • 2008-09: Devising one of the seven modules in the Department of Health’s “Caring with confidence” programme (2008-2011)

Membership of Project Advisory Groups

  • 2014-16: Department of Education’s “The lives of young carers” project
  • 2012-3: 2 SCIE Guides - GP services for older people: A guide for care home managers” and “Dying well at home: the case for integrated working
  • 2008-10: European Social Fund project “Driving change in welfare services for the aged”

Academic editorial work

  • 2016-20: Associate Editor and Editorial Board member, International Journal of Care and Caring
  • 2016-20:  Reviews Editor, International Journal of Care and Caring  
  • On-going: Book proposal reviewer for Sage Publications, McGraw-Hill, OUP, Routledge and Pearsons Textbooks
  • Reviewer for: Ageing and Society, British Journal of Social Work, British Medical Journal, Health and Social Care in the Community (awarded Reviewer certificate in 2018), Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. Journal of Public Policy, Journal of Social Policy and Society, People, Journal of Social Work in Health Care, Place and Policy, Quality in Ageing and Older Adults (2016 Outstanding Reviewer Award), Sage Open, European Journal of Social Work, Community Work and Family
  • Book reviewer for Journal of Social Policy and Policy Press
  • Proposal Reviewer for Economic and Social Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, School for Social Care Research, the Irish Research Council, Dunhill Medical Trust and HRB Open Research
  • Social Care Elf and Mental Elf blogger/contributor

External examining

  • 2023: PhD Examiner, Edgehill University
  • 2023: PhD Examiner, Portsmouth University
  • 2020: PhD Examiner, University of London
  • 2020: PhD Examiner, University of East Anglia 
  • 2017: PhD Examiner, Nottingham University
  • 2015: PhD Examiner, Nottingham University
  • 2015: PhD Examiner, Kingston University (Chair)
  • 2014: PhD Examiner, St George’s, University of London
  • 2013-5: Undergraduate External Examiner, The Open University
  • 2008-12: Undergraduate External Examiner, Birmingham City University
  • July 2007: External member of validation panel for BSc Health and Well-being, Birmingham City University

External collaborations

  • Carers Network, Westminster
  • Carers MK Diabetes UK
  • Carers Trust
  • Carers UK
  • Carers MK
  • CLASP (Leicester)
  • Department of Health and Social care
  • Employers for carers
  • Hallmark Foundation
  • NHS England
  • NHS Commitment to Carers programme.
  • National Institute for Health and Care Evidence
  • Social Care Institute for Excellence
  • The University of Newcastle (UON) New South Wales, Australia
  • Carers New South Wales, Australia
  • Southern Services Reform Group, Adelaide, Australia
  • Care Alliance (Ireland)
  • Family Carers Ireland
  • Family Carers Research Forum
  • Laurea University, Finland
  • Eurocarers
  • Swedish Family Care Competence Centre, Sweden
  • Canadian Home Care Association
  • Careum Foundation, Switzerland
  • Carers Japan
  • Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing, UC Davis USA
  • American Association of Retired Persons AARP


Non-pharmacological interventions to improve mental health outcomes among female carers of people living with a neurological condition: a systematic review (2024)
Denham, A. M. J.; Haracz, K.; Bird, M. L.; Bonevski, B.; Spratt, N. J.; Turner, A.; Chow, W. Z.; Larkin, M.; Mabotuwana, N. and Janssen, H.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 47(4) (pp. 781-798)

Older Carers and Carers of People with Dementia: Improving and Developing Effective Support (2022-04)
Larkin, Mary; Henwood, Melanie and Milne, Alisoun
Social Policy and Society, 21(2) (pp. 242-256)

Transitions for older people with learning disabilities and behaviours that challenge others, and their family carers: a merged protocol for two rapid scoping reviews of evidence (2022)
Vseteckova, J.; Jordan, J.; Tilley, E.; Larkin, M.; Ryan, S. and Wallace, L. M.
Systematic Reviews, 11(1)

Transitions for older people with intellectual disabilities and behaviours that challenge others: a rapid scoping review (2022)
Tilley, Elizabeth; Jordan, Joanne; Larkin, Mary; Vseteckova, Jitka; Ryan, Sara and Wallace, Louise
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 36(2) (pp. 207-229)

Carers and higher education: Where next? (2021-10-20)
Larkin, Mary and Kubiak, Christopher
Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 23(2) (pp. 130-151)

Knowledge generation and former carers: reflections and ways forward (2021-07)
Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun
Families Relationships and Societies, 10(2) (pp. 287-302)

The carer-related knowledge exchange network (CAREN): enhancing the relationship between research and evidence and policy and practice (2020-08)
Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun
Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 16(3) (pp. 491-501)

Surveillance, intervention and the politics of care (2019-05-01)
Kubiak, Christopher; Tomkins, Leah and Larkin, Mary
International Journal of Care and Caring, 3(2) (pp. 165-181)

Carer related research and knowledge: findings from a scoping review (2019)
Larkin, Mary; Henwood, Melanie and Milne, Alisoun
Health and Social Care in the Community, 27(1) (pp. 55-67)

[Editorial] Care and caring: interdisciplinary perspectives on a societal issue of global significance (2017-03-23)
Yeandle, Sue; Chou, Yueh-Ching; Fine, Michael; Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun
International Journal of Care and Caring, 1(1) (pp. 3-25)

Carers, choice and personalisation: what do we know? (2016-04)
Larkin, Mary and Mitchell, Wendy
Social Policy and Society, 15(2) (pp. 189-205)

[Book review] Margarita León (ed.) (2014), The Transformation of Care in European Societies (2016-04)
Larkin, Mary
Journal of Social Policy, 45(2) (pp. 381-382)

Caring in the 21st century: research evidence and knowledge generation (2015-01)
Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun
Health and Social Care in the Community, 23(1) (pp. 1-3)

Developing the knowledge base about carers and personalisation: contributions made by an exploration of carers’ perspectives on personal budgets and the carer–service user relationship (2015-01)
Larkin, Mary
Health and Social Care in the Community, 23(1) (pp. 33-41)

Knowledge generation about care-giving in the UK: a critical review of research paradigms (2014-12-02)
Milne, Alisoun and Larkin, Mary
Health and Social Care in the Community, 23(1) (pp. 4-13)

Carers and empowerment in the UK: a critical reflection (2014-01-31)
Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun
Social Policy and Society, 13(1) (pp. 25-38)

New partnerships in health and social care for an era of public spending cuts (2012)
Larkin, Mary; Richardson, Louise and Tabreham, Julia
Health and Social Care in the Community, 20(2) (pp. 199-207)

Life after caring: the post-caring experiences of former carers (2009)
Larkin, Mary
British Journal of Social Work, 39(6) (pp. 1026-1042)

Group support during caring and post-caring - the role of carers groups (2008)
Larkin, Mary
Groupwork, 17(2) (pp. 28-51)

Family Carers and Caring: What it’s all about (2023-10-04)
Milne, Alisoun and Larkin, Mary
ISBN : 9781800433496 | Publisher : Emerald Publishing Limited | Published : UK

Health and Well-Being Across the Life Course (2013)
Larkin, Mary
ISBN : 978-0-85702-881-5 | Publisher : Sage | Published : London

Social Aspects of Health, Illness and Healthcare (2011)
Larkin, Mary
ISBN : 978-0-33-523661-9 | Publisher : Open University Press | Published : Maidenhead

Vulnerable Groups in Health and Social Care (2009)
Larkin, Mary
ISBN : 978-1-4129-4823-4 | Publisher : Sage Publications | Published : London

Former carers: Grief, loss and other stories (2024)
Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun
In: Jones, Kerry and Horne, Joanna eds. Understanding the Grief and Loss Experiences of Carers: Research, Practitioner and Personal Perspectives. Routledge Key Themes in Health and Safety (pp. 123-134)
ISBN : 9781003435365 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London

Former carers (2021-11-03)
Larkin, Mary
In: Gu, Danan and Dupre, Matthew E. eds. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging (pp. 1912-1915)
ISBN : 978-3-030-22008-2 | Publisher : Springer Cham

Unpaid Care Global Growth and Policies for Sustainability (2020-07-21)
Oldridge, Louise and Larkin, Mary
In: Leal Filho, Walter; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Brandli, Luciana; Salvia, Amanda Lange and Wall, Tony eds. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Gender Equality
ISBN : 978-3-319-95686-2 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Cham

Care of vulnerable adults (2012-03-01)
Larkin, Mary
In: Blaber, A ed. Foundations for Paramedic Practice: A Theoretical Perspective (2nd ed) (pp. 174-187)
ISBN : 978-0-33-524387-7 | Publisher : McGraw-Hill | Published : Maidenhead

What about the carers? (2012-03-01)
Larkin, Mary
In: Lloyd, Cathy and Heller, Tom eds. Long Term Conditions: Challenges in Health and Social Care (pp. 185-198)
ISBN : 978-0-85702-749-8 | Publisher : Sage | Published : London

Disability and illness: the perspective of people living with a long-term condition (2012)
Milne, Margo; Larkin, Mary and Lloyd, Cathy
In: Lloyd, Cathy and Heller, Tom eds. Long Term Conditions: Challenges in Health and Social Care (pp. 10-21)
ISBN : 978-0-85702-749-8 | Publisher : Sage | Published : London

Working with vulnerable people: experiences of disability (2012)
Larkin, Mary
In: Lloyd, Cathy E. and Heller, Tom eds. Long Term Conditions: Challenges in Health & Social Care (pp. 124-138)
ISBN : 9780857027498 | Publisher : SAGE Publications Ltd. | Published : London

Learning and reskilling pathways for carers [Keynote Presentation] (2023)
Larkin, Mary
In : Learning and reskilling pathways for carers (6 Feb 2023, Sydney, Australia & Online)

The 'Learning pathways for carers programme' (2023)
Kentzer, Nichola; Kubiak, Chris and Larkin, Mary
In : OU's 7th Biennial International Conference on Access, Participation and Success (26-27 Apr 2023, Milton Keynes, UK)

Caring for our Student carers (2021)
Larkin, Mary
In : OU-Access Participation and Success 6th International Biennial Conference (15-18 Mar 2021)

Sustaining unpaid care: the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline “Carers: provision of support for adult carers (2021)
Larkin, Mary
In : Sustainable care (12-30 Apr 2021)

Caring about Student carers (2020-10-13)
Larkin, Mary
In : Scholarship from across the faculties: from creativity and innovation (13 Oct 2020, Walton Hall)

Caring about student carers (2020)
Larkin, Mary
In : Research and Scholarship Seminar (6 Feb 2020, Walton Hall, The Open University)

‘Sustaining unpaid care: the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline Carers: Provision of support for adult carers, Sustainable Care (2020)
Larkin, Mary
In : Sustainable Care: Challenges and Solutions for a Sustainable Future Conference, (1-2 Apr 2020, Sheffield)

Caring about student carers (2020)
Larkin, Mary
In : Access, Participation and Success 6th Biennial International Conference (22-23 Apr 2020, Milton Keynes)

Knowledge exchange: making the most of scoping reviews (2019)
Larkin, Mary
In : WELS Research day (17 Jul 2019)

Maximising the potential of carer research and knowledge (2018-06-19)
Larkin, Mary
In : Maximising the potential of carer research and knowledge, Workshop (19 Jun 2018)

The legacies of caring (2018-06-18)
Larkin, Mary
In : ‘Life After Care’ (18 Jun 2018)

Understanding the needs of caring experienced learners (2018-04-17)
Larkin, Mary
In : Supporting the Supporters- Caring Experienced Learners (17 Apr 2018, Milton Keynes)

Carer resilience: ways forward for evidence-based policy and practice (2018)
Larkin, Mary
In : Carers New South Wales Biennial Conference (11-12 Oct 2018, Sydney Australia)

The case for a knowledge exchange network (CAREN) (2017-10-04)
Larkin, Mary
In : 7th International carers conference (4-7 Oct, Adelaide, Australia)

The case for a carer knowledge exchange network (CAREN) (2017-10-03)
Larkin, Mary
In : Carer-related knowledge exchange network (3 Oct, Adelaide - Southern services Reform group)

The case for a Carer knowledge exchange network (CAREN) (2017-09-28)
Larkin, Mary
In : CAREN: the carer knowledge exchange network (28 Sep 2017, Sydney, Australia)

Carer Research and Knowledge Scoping Review (2017-04-12)
Larkin, Mary
In : NIHR School for Social Care Conference 2017 (12 Apr 2017, LSE, London, UK)

Former’ older carers: their profile and needs (2017)
Larkin, Mary
In : 7th International Carers Conference, Adelaide, Australia (4-6 Oct 2017, Adelaide, Australia)

Scoping Carer Research (2016-09-05)
Larkin, Mary
In : 4th International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-term Care (4-7 Sep 2016, London School of Economics)

'Former' older carers - what do we know about their profile and needs? (2016-06-16)
Larkin, Mary
In : Focusing on Older Carers: Exploring the Research and Practice Axis (16 Jun 2016, Bristol)

Unbecoming a carer (2015-09-10)
Larkin, Mary
In : British Medical Sociology Association (2015)

Making room for former carers (2015-09-07)
Larkin, Mary
In : 6th International Carers Conference - Care and caring: future proofing the new demographics (03-06 Sep 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden)

What do we know about carer perspectives in mental health and disability services?” (2014)
Larkin, Mary
In : National Conference: What Works? User and Carer Perspectives on Mental Health and Disability Services. (11 Jun 2014, Leicester, UK)

Where to now for carer research? (2014)
Larkin, Mary
In : Carers: Informing and Improving Policy and Practice Through Research and Evaluation (30 Jan 2014, London, UK)

Is the third sector going to survive ‘personalisation? (2013)
Larkin, Mary
In : Health Care, Social Care, Voluntary Care: Perfect Partnerships or Dangerous Liaisons (24 Oct 2013, Harrogate)

Personal budgets and the carer-service user relationship: developing the knowledge base about carers and personalisation (2013)
Larkin, Mary
In : Yorkshire and Humberside Carers Lead Officer Network workshop (Jul 2013, York)

Personal budgets and the carer-service user relationship”. (2013)
Larkin, Mary
In : Carers Federation Board of Trustees workshop (Jun 2013, Nottingham)

Carers voices (2013)
Larkin, Mary
In : Compassionate Care: Giving Patients a Voice (13 May 2013)

The UK’s National Carers Strategy 2008: How did we get there and where are we going? (2012-03)
Larkin, Mary
In : Workshops at Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and Ministry of Employment and Economics (Mar 2102, Helsinki, Finland)

Making sure aging is active: the influence of health and well-being throughout the life course on active aging (2012-03)
Larkin, Mary
In : International Week (5-9 Mar 2012, Laurea University, Finland)

Carers research (2012)
Larkin, Mary
In : Care and Compassion Week (5-12 May 2012, De Montfort University, Leicester)

Personalisation: what will the impacts be for carers (2012)
Larkin, Mary and Dickinson, Helen
In : Carers, The Third Sector And Personalisation: The Future Research Agenda? (Apr 2012, Birmingham University)

Partnerships between universities and the Third Sector (2011-03)
Larkin, Mary
In : International Week 2011: Promoting Welfare Service Innovations - Entrepreneurship, Voluntary Work and Third Sector (7-11 Mar 2011, Laurea Tikkurila, Finland)

The UK’s National Carers Strategy 2008 - how did we get there and where are we going? (2011-02)
Larkin, Mary
In : Finnish National Association of Family Caregivers Conference (1 Feb 2011, Helsinki, Finland)

Carer empowerment (2010-09)
Larkin, Mary
In : Driving Change In Welfare Services For The Aged Project, 2008-2010 (21 Sep 2010, Helsinki, Finland)

Effective partnerships between voluntary organizations for carers and academia in social care in an era of public spending cuts (2010-07)
Larkin, Mary
In : 5th International Carers UK Conference, New frontiers in caring, 2010 and beyond (Jul 2010, Leeds)

A forgotten partnership? The carer-service user partnership and personalisation (2010-06)
Larkin, Mary
In : Shaping the Future of Social Work: 12th UK Joint Social Work Education Conference with the 4th UK Social Work Research Conference (30 Jun - 02 Jul 2010, University of Hertfordshire)

Promoting service user and carer empowerment in health and social care (2010-03)
Larkin, Mary
In : Promoting Individual And Group Empowerment In Social Services And Health Care (1-7 Mar 2010, Laurea University, Finland)

Once a carer, always a carer? Exploring identity changes post-caring (2009-06)
Larkin, Mary
In : 11th UK Joint Social Work Education Conference (Jun 2009, University of Hertfordshire)

Relational Care - with Mary Larkin and Manik Deepak-Gopinath [Podcast] (2023-11-22)
Robb, Martin; Larkin, Mary and Deepak Gopinath, Manik
Careful Thinking

Being needed - fulfilling the potential of mutual relationships (2023-08-25)
Kartupelis, Jenny; Larkin, Mary and Deepak Gopinath, Manik
International Longevity Centre, London.

Making every relationship matter: a practitioner toolkit for relational care with older people (2023-05-02)
Larkin, Mary; Gopinath, Manik; Kartupelis, Jenny and Wilson, Anthea
The Open University

The value and practice of relational care with older people: a research report by The Open University (2023)
Gopinath, Manik; de Lappe, Joseph; Larkin, Mary and Wilson, Anthea
The Open University

The value and practice of relational care with older people: Summary Report of a research project carried out by the Open University (2023)
Gopinath, Manik; de Lappe, Joseph; Kartupelis, Jenny; Larkin, Mary and Wilson, Anthea
The Open University

The OU welcomes carers (2022-10-04)
Larkin, Mary and Kubiak, Christopher
The Open University

How can Adult Carers get the best support during Covid-19 pandemic and beyond? (2020-06-03)
Taverner, Phil; Larkin, Mary; Vseteckova, Jitka; Kentzer, Nichola; Horne, Jo; Penson, Martin; Robb, Martin; Berry, Alex; Spencer, Melinda and Methley, Abigail
Open Learn, Milton Keynes.

The effects of self-isolation and lack of physical activity on carers. (2020-06-03)
Vseteckova, Jitka; Kentzer, Nichola; Horne, Jo; Robb, Martin; Larkin, Mary; Berry, Alex; Spencer, Melinda; Methley, Abigail and Taverner, Phil
Open Learn, Milton Keynes.

Young carers,COVID-19 and physical activity (2020-06-03)
Vseteckova, Jitka; Kentzer, Nichola; Horne, Jo; Penson, Martin; Robb, Martin; Larkin, Mary; Berry, Alex; Spencer, Melinda; Methley, Abigail and Taverner, Phil
OpenLearn, Milton Keynes.

Care and caring network@OU news bulletin 2019 (2019-06-10)
Larkin, Mary and Mcgrath, Lesley
The Open University

Peer Review Report For: Stage 1 Registered Report: A scoping review protocol to map the evidence on family carers who combine work with care [version 1; peer review: 2 approved] (2019-05)
Larkin, Mary
HRB Open Research

Caring for carers - the Open University's carer scholarship scheme (2019)
Larkin, Mary
The Open University

To meaningfully support carers, we must rethink their purpose and contribution (2018-11-08)
Henwood, Melanie; Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun
LSE British Politics and Policy

Exemplar models and support for older carers and carers of people with dementia: informing commissioning: Executive Summary (2018-10-18)
Larkin, Mary; Henwood, Melanie and Milne, Alisoun
NHS England

Exemplar models and support for older carers and carers of people with dementia: informing commissioning (2018-10-17)
Henwood, Melanie; Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun
NHS England, OU and University of Kent

Care and caring network@OU news bulletin 2018 (2018-06-11)
Larkin, Mary and Hudson, Gayle
The Open University

Including Family Carers: Adding Value and Impact to Research (2017-11-08)
Larkin, Mary; Milne, Alisoun; Henwood, Melanie; Croisdale-Appleby, David and Clark, Michael
The NIHR School for Social Care Research The School for Social Care Research, London.

Seeing the wood for the trees. Carer related research and knowledge: A scoping review (2017-11)
Henwood, Melanie; Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun
Melanie Henwood Associates

Why carers are disadvantaged even when their responsibilities end (2015-10-19)
Larkin, Mary
The Conversation, London.

Testing stress training for black and minority ethnic carers of people with dementia (2015-07-29)
Larkin, Mary
Social care Elf

Testing a person-centred approach to carer support (2015-05-28)
Larkin, Mary
Social Care Elf

Attachment in people with dementia and their carers (2015-03-11)
Larkin, Mary
Social care Elf

Do high levels of caring mean poorer carer mental health? (2015-01-20)
Larkin, Mary
Social care Elf

Carers policy and practice: what about ‘former carers’? (2014-11)
Larkin, Mary
Social care Elf

Personal Budgets And The Carer- Service User Relationship (2014-06)
Larkin, Mary
Carers Federation, Nottingham.

Personalisation: The Beginning Of A New Dawn Or The End Of The Road For Third Sector Support For Carers? (2013)
Miller, Robin and Larkin, Mary
TSRC, Birmingham.

Demand for informal care is rising but supply is set to fall - we must solve this conundrum (2012-11)
Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun
Community Care, Sutton.

Personalisation: what will the impacts be for carers? (2011)
Larkin, Mary and Dickinson, Helen
TSRC, Birmingham.