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New global development podcast series highlights the value of interdisciplinary research

The Centre for the Study of Global Development (CSGD) has launched a three-part podcast series in collaboration with the OU’s Research Group on Reproduction, Sexualities, and Sexual Health. The miniseries draws insights from OU interdisciplinary research on stigma, social determinants of health, and girls’ transition to adulthood.

The first episode explores how stigma surrounding abortion, poverty and foster care creates a web of challenges, especially for people on the margins, while affecting their ability to take an equal part in society. Dr Carrie Purcell, Dr Justin Rogers and Dr Keetie Roelen discussed ways to normalise and dismantle these stigmas, from policy changes that promote affordable abortion care and social safety mechanisms to shifting the harmful language and discussions around these subjects.

In the second episode, Dr Alison Buckler and Dr Jane Doka spoke about girls’ agency in navigating their transition to adulthood and how their desires may differ from development-based programmes’ ideas. They advocate for celebrating alternative transition pathways and provide examples of how to better align research approaches with girls’ realities.

The third episode highlights how the ways we live, grow, and work can impact sexual and reproductive health outcomes. Dr Kevin Deane, Professor Peter Keogh and Dr Joyce Wamoyi (National Institute of Medical Research) drew examples from their research on how structural inequalities can shape an individual’s attitudes toward sexual health risks. They note that it is crucial to take an interdisciplinary research approach when studying this subject to improve sexual and reproductive health.

CSGD aims to raise awareness and spark conversations on global development issues through this series. Listen to the CSGD podcast series.

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