During my studies at Universities in Germany and the UK, I developed my interest in the intersection between languages, literature, and culture.
My DPhil in Modern European Languages (German) at Oxford University (2006) focussed on Klaus Mann, a German writer who went into exile to fight against Hitler and the Third Reich with his pen. During his exile in France, the Netherlands, and the US, he closely interacted with intellectuals from his host countries and attempted writing literary and non-literary texts in English. My research looked at how his political beliefs and objectives influenced the content, style, and language of his novels.
Since 2006, I taught and researched in German departments across the UK and Germany, before I came to the OU in 2017.
I am currently chairing a research group at the OU investigating the role and function of web-based machine translation tools in language learning. In line with the OU’s responsibility to pioneer the development of language teaching as well as digital learning methodology, we attempt to find new ways to incorporate this technology into language teaching and assessment.
Together with Andrew Gargett and Ursula Stickler (both OU), I am editing a special edition of CALICO on Web-based Machine translation in language teaching.
Upcoming publications include:
German Literature and Culture across all levels.
I have extensive experience in supervising Master, Ed.D and PhD students in the area of German literature and culture as well as language teaching methology.
I am one of the founding members and key authors of the Toolkit ‘Taking your Language Learning Online’ (https://www.open.edu/openlearncreate/course/view.php?id=6341). Faced with the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, a team of experts from the OU founded this groundbreaking project to support our Higher Education colleagues all across the world. We created a free resource for Higher Education language teachers, designed with a strong focus on practical advice, in order to help them to quickly learn how to teach languages with the technology available and to overcome technical as well as pedagogical and pastoral challenges. The Toolkit was recognized by the Global Open Education Practice Graduate Network (GO-GN), which awarded our team the 2020 Fred Mulder award for Best Open Practice.
Together with Professor Stefan Neuhaus (Koblenz) and Professor Christiane Schönfeld (Limerick), I am chairing the section "Literatur auf der Kinoleinwand zu Krisenzeiten" at the 2025 conference of the Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik in Graz.
I am an active member of
Flipping the flipped. The concept of flipped learning in an online teaching environment (2022)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina; Stickler, Ursula and Winchester, Susanne
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-learning, 37(3) (pp. 288-304)
“… der harte Glanz des Hasses”: Satire und Humanismus im Exilwerk Klaus Manns (2017)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
Oxford German Studies, 46(1) (pp. 106-120)
"Indoctrinated, but not incurable"? Klaus Mann’s Return to Europe and his Interrogations of German Prisoners of War (2011-04)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
German Life and Letters, 64(2) (pp. 217-234)
Furtwänglers Taschentuch: Der Gebrauch dokumentarischer Materialien in Filmen über die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus (2011-01-01)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
New Readings, 11 (pp. 66-83)
"Diese Leistung bleibt zu bewundern!" Remembering Wilhelm Furtwängler and Gustaf Gründgens in Biographies and Memoirs of the 1950s and 1960s (2010-06)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
Monatshefte für deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur, 102(2) (pp. 162-176)
Klaus Mann’s Die Sammlung: An Attempt at an International Journal (2007-04)
Von Lindeiner, Karina
German Life and Letters, 60(2) (pp. 212-224)
Die Mehrfarbigkeit der Vergangenheit: István Szabós Adaption von Klaus Manns Roman 'Mephisto’ (2012-12-20)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
ISBN : 978-3826049705 | Publisher : Königshausen & Neumann | Published : Würzburg
‘Sammlung zur heiligsten Aufgabe’: Politische Künstler und Intellektuelle in Klaus Manns Exilwerk (2006)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
ISBN : 978-3826034480 | Publisher : Königshausen & Neumann | Published : Würzburg
Machine translation in language learning, teaching and assessment (2024)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina and Gargett, Andrew
In: Stickler, Ursula and Hampel, Regine eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. Bloomsbury Handbooks (pp. 198-211)
ISBN : 9781350340329 | Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing | Published : London, UK
‘Moving Your Language Teaching Online’ Toolkit: Teachers’ Early Reflections on their Experience and Skills (2023-04-20)
Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina von; Pulker, Hélène and Vialleton, Elodie
In: Stickler, Ursula and Emke, Martina eds. Online Language Teaching: Crises and Creativities. Developing Online Language Pedagogies
ISBN : 9781914291173 | Publisher : Castledown | Published : London
„Ode to the Transformative Power of Art“? Kunst und Politik in Florian Henckel von Donnersmarcks Das Leben der Anderen (2006) (2016-05-01)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
In: Max, Katrin ed. Tendenzen und Perspektiven der gegenwärtigen DDR-Literatur-Forschung
ISBN : 978-3826054365 | Publisher : Königshausen und Neumann
“Wenn Lenin hätte glauben können, die ‚Appassionata’ für die revolutionäre Sache hören zu müssen...“ Kunst und Politik in Florian Henckel von Donnersmarcks ‚Das Leben der Anderen“ (2016)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
In: Max, Katrin ed. Tendenzen und Perspektiven der gegenwärtigen DDR-Literatur-Forschung (pp. 277-293)
ISBN : 978-3826054365 | Publisher : Königshausen & Neumann | Published : Würzburg
Umbruch ohne Aufbruch. Zur Politisierung des Künstlermythos im Zuge der Vergangenheitsbewältigung seit 1945 (2013)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
In: von Hoff, Dagmar ed. Poetiken des Auf und Umbruchs (pp. 85-98)
ISBN : 978-3-653-02944-4 | Publisher : Martin Meidenbauer
“Görings glorreichste Günstlinge”: Artists as good Germans in the (West) German media since 1945 (2013)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
In: Ó Dochartaigh, Pól and Schönfeld, Christiane eds. Representing the Good: German in Literature and Culture After 1945: Altruism and Moral Ambiguity (pp. 29-49)
ISBN : 978-1571134981 | Publisher : Camden House / Boydell & Brewer
“Jetzt stocke ich in zwei Zungen” – The Influence of Exile and Travel on Themes, Language and Literary Style in the Writings of Members of Das Jüngste Deutschland (2009-01-01)
Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
In: Evelein, Johannes F. ed. Exiles Traveling: Exploring Displacement, Crossing Boundaries in German Exile Arts and Writings 1933-1945 (pp. 347-367)
ISBN : 978-9042025400 / 978-90-420-2876-0 | Publisher : Rodopi | Published : Amsterdam
Taking Sides für Profiteure? Zeitkommentar und Zeitanalyse in Klaus Manns “Mephisto”, Ronald Harwoods “Taking Sides” und István Szabós Verfilmungen (2008)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
In: von der Lühe, Irmela and Amthor, Wiebke eds. Auf der Suche nach einem Weg. Forschungen zu Leben und Werk Klaus Manns (pp. 173-186)
ISBN : 978-3631567586 | Publisher : Peter Lang
Tookit "Moving your Language Teaching Online" (2020)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina; Pulker, Hélène; Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna; Pleines, Christine and Vialleton, Elodie
Open Learn Create
Klaus Mann (2017)
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina