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Realising the Ambitions for Palliative and End of Life Care: Lessons so far

Monday, September 11, 2023 - 12:30 to 13:30
Online - Zoom
Open Thanatology

Blue Open Thanatology LogoJoin us to learn more about the Ambitions Framework for Palliative and End of Life Care and discover how to use our Grab and Go Guide.

The Ambitions for Palliative and End of Life Care: a national framework for local action was first launched in 2015 in England and relaunched in 2021 for another five years. The Framework sets out a vision for the best possible palliative and end of life care, based on six Ambitions. To help guide action, each Ambition is accompanied by a set of foundations and building blocks that identify what is needed.

Since 2021, a team at The Open University has been investigating how people make sense of and use the Ambitions Framework. We surveyed and talked to a wide range of people involved in palliative and end of life care across England, including commissioners, managers, service providers and the public.

This webinar will:

- present project findings

- share examples of how the Ambitions Framework has been used

- discuss what helps and hinders action around the Framework

- offer suggestions for how the Ambitions can be further realised in the new era of Integrated Care Boards and beyond England.


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Erica Borgstrom is a Professor of Medical Anthropology at The Open University specialising in palliative and end of life care research. She has led the project team working on the Ambitions Framework research and oversees several other projects about end of life and bereavement support. Since 2020, she is the lead for Open Thanatology. This is an interdisciplinary research group at the OU that promotes the study and education of death, dying, loss and grief across the life course.

Joanne Jordan has been working at The Open University since 2017. She is an experienced researcher, working in the field of health and social care (services) research. Over the past ten years, she has been investigating palliative and end of life care, including bereavement, in relation to both adults and children. Alongside the Ambitions Framework, she is currently involved in research exploring the bereavement experiences of young people from minoritized ethnic communities and how the telephone can be used to provide bereavement support.

Claire Henry MBE a Registered Nurse, Visiting Fellow, Open University Visiting Researcher, University of Cambridge Palliative and End of Life Care research group, coach, mentor and an independent consultant in health and care. She has over 30 years of working in Palliative and End of Life Care leading national implementation and quality improvement programmes. Claire is committed to improving end of life care to make a difference to people and their families. Claire is a Director at The Loss Project and Trustee of Dying Matters in Rutland, LOROS and Dove Cottage.

Una St Ledger is a Staff Tutor at The Open University based in Northern Ireland. She is a registered nurse. She researches moral distress and moral wellbeing in clinical staff in addition to the work on the Ambitions Framework.

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