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Miss Claire Hedges

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Profile summary

Professional biography

I am the Centre Manager for The Open University’s Centre for the Study of Global Development.  I am a member of the Centre Directorate team that guides the Centre’s research strategy, vision and values.  I have over 15 years of international teacher and community education for development, research and programme management experience. 

My interests are in inclusive and collaborative education and health initiatives, that are driven by and situated within the wider lives and contexts of communities, learners, educators and health workers.  I have a specific research focus on the cost-effectiveness of programmes and initiatives.  Currently, I am the Cost-Effectiveness Study Lead for the EdTech Hub funded 3MPower (Mobile Learning for Empowerment of Marginalised Mathematics Educators) research project in Bangladesh.

I have co-led teacher professional development programmes designed for high scale, high impact and low unit cost, using available technology, with social support networks for learning at their core.  These include being a founder member of the Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa network and co-leading The Open University’s component of English in Action, a national school-based teacher development programme in Bangladesh.    More recently, I have co-led large scale teacher and community education programmes in Zimbabwe to improve the teaching and learning of foundational literacy and numeracy.  

I have also contributed to The Open University’s Covid-19 response to continue learning in low-income communities, including being a co-author of UNICEF and World Bank Remote Learning Packs (2022).

At the 2021 UKFIET (The Education and Development Forum) 16th Conference on International Education and Development 'Building Back Better in Education and Training?: Reimagining, Reorienting and Redistributing', I was co-convener of the 'Rethinking the Education Workforce' theme.



Mobile phones for professional development and English teaching in Bangladesh (2013)
Walsh, Christopher; Shrestha, Prithvi and Hedges, Claire
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 13(2) (pp. 183-200)

Overcoming adversity for marginalised adolescent girls in Zimbabwe (2023)
Chamberlain, Liz; Buckler, Alison; Worwood, Kelly; Chigodora, Obert; Chishava, Charlotte and Hedges, Claire
In: Holliman, Andrew and Sheehy, Kieron eds. Overcoming Adversity in Education (pp. 223-233)
ISBN : 978-1-032-01778-5 | Publisher : Taylor and Francis | Published : London

Ensuring Value for Money (2019)
Hedges, Claire; Zindel, Kirsten and Sarkar, Bikash Chandra
In: Eyres, Ian; McCormick, Robert and Power, Tom eds. Sustainable English Language Teacher Development at Scale: Lessons from Bangladesh (pp. 189-207)
ISBN : 978-1=3500-4347-3 | Publisher : Bloomsbury Academic | Published : Great Britain

Leveraging low-Cost mobile technologies in Bangladesh: a case study of innovative practices for teacher professional development and communicative English language teaching (2011)
Walsh, Christopher S.; Shrestha, Prithvi and Hedges, Claire
In: Kwan, Reggie; McNaught, Carmel; Tsang, Philip; Wang, Fu Lee and Li, Kam Cheong eds. Enhancing Learning Through Technology. Education Unplugged: Mobile Technologies and Web 2.0. Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 152-166)
ISBN : 9783642223822 | Publisher : Springer | Published : London, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.

Teachers' Voices. Capturing the Dynamics of Change (2017)
Sarkar, Bikash Chandra; Hedges, Claire; Griffiths, Malcolm; Mathew, Rama and Biswas, Sudeb Kumar eds.
Publisher : English in Action, Bangladesh | Published : Dhaka, Bangladesh

Economic gain and English language: Evidence and Equity (2021)
Erling, Elizabeth; Gowland, S; Hedges, Claire; Eyres, Ian; Solly, Michael and Rahman, Md. Shajedur
In : 13th Education and Development Forum (UKFIET) Conference (Sep 15-17., Oxford, United Kingdom)

Using mobile phones to support ELT in Bangladeshi schools (2012-03-22)
Power, Tom; Walsh, Christopher and Hedges, Claire
In : 46th Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition (19-23 Mar 2012, Glasgow)

Transforming English language learning in rural classrooms: OERs, mobile technologies and scale (2011-05-25)
Power, Tom; Umar, Abdurrahman and Hedges, Claire
In : eLearning Africa: 6th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training (25-27 May 2011, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)

Commitment to change lives: teachers’ experiences of living in Dhaka City and working with disadvantaged children (2010)
Shohel, M. Mahruf C. and Hedges, Claire
In : Oxford Ethnography Conference 2010 (06-08 Sep 2010, Oxford)

Equipping Language Educators at Scale: Open Educational Resources and Institutional Collaboration for Professional Development and Practice (2009-06-24)
Power, Tom; Deane, Michele and Hedges, Claire
In : 8th International Language and Development Conference (23-25 Jun 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh)

Research Brief: Co-Evaluation of the World Vision Catch-Up Programme in Zimbabwe (2024-07-10)
Okada, Alexandra; Hedges, Claire; Zwier, Janelle; Mukandakanda, Blessing and Chokera, Richard
The Open University

Maximising the impact of online teacher development courses to improve teaching and learning: lessons for national directors and education officers (2024-03)
Hedges, Claire; Rahman, Hafiz; Power, Tom and Stevenson, Jacqueline
CSGD Policy Brief #2. The Open University

Realising the potential of online teacher development courses to improve student learning: lessons for Local Education Officers (2024-03)
Hedges, Claire; Rahman, Hafiz; Power, Tom and Stevenson, Jacqueline
CSGD Policy Brief #3. The Open University

Consultation for the 2023 GEM Report on Technology and Education (2023-06)
Charitonos, Koula; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Huxley, Sarah; Hedges, Claire; Law, Patrina; Power, Tom; Akyeampong, Kwame; Mwoma, Teresa; Al-Awidi, Hamid and Whitelock, Denise
The Open University

3MPower Evidence Café 1: Report (2022-11-01)
Hedges, Claire; Power, Tom; Haider, Arosa Tahsin; Shifat, Nazmuzzaman; Kawser, Masud; Galib, Sabir Hasan; Fahad, Sameul Hoque; Munira, Sirajam and Parvin, Tauhida
The Open University, Milton Keynes.

3MPower PEER Researcher Workshop Report (2022-07-31)
Hedges, Claire; Power, Tom; Dawadi, Saraswati; Rahman, Hafiz and Siddique, Nure Alam
The Open University, Milton Keynes.

3MPower Inception Report. Mobile Learning for the Empowerment of Marginalised Mathematics Educators, Bangladesh. (2022-03-31)
Power, Tom; Rahman, Hafizur; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Siddique, Nure Alam; Hedges, Claire and Dawadi, Saraswati
EdTech Hub, London.

Print. Resource Pack to Support Remote Learning (2022-01)
Hedges, Claire and Power, Tom
UNICEF & The World Bank

Digital. Resource Pack to Support Remote Learning (2022-01)
Power, Tom and Hedges, Claire
UNICEF & The World Bank

Mobile. Resource Pack to Support Remote Learning (2022-01)
Power, Tom and Hedges, Claire
UNICEF & The World Bank

Improving Gender Attitudes, Transition and Education Outcomes (IGATE-T) Case Studies: Changing Learning (2021)
Hedges, Claire; Power, Tom and Tengenesha, Martha
The Open University, Great Britain.

Minimising the ‘distance’ in distance learning during a global health crisis: Framing an international education response to Covid-19 (2020)
Buckler, Alison; Chamberlain, Liz; Stutchbury, Kris and Hedges, Claire
UKFIET The Education and Development Forum

English in Action School-Based Teachers Development - Body of Evidence (2018)
Power, T. J. M. P. and Hedges, C. L.
English in Aid (EIA); Open University

English in Action Value for Money Briefing Note (2018)
Hedges, Claire and Zindel, Kirsten
Cambridge Education and The Open University

Teachers’ voices. Capturing the dynamics of change through classroom research. Report on teachers’ studies and 2017 conference (2017)
Biswas, Sudeb Kumar; Griffiths, Malcolm; Hedges, Claire; Mathew, Rama and Sarkar, Bikash Chandra
English in Action, Dhala Bangladesh.