Taking risks to enable participatory data analysis and dissemination – A research note (2022)
Rix, Jonathan; Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Sheehy, Kieron; Seale, Jane and Hayhoe, Simon
Qualitative Research, 22(1) (pp. 143-153)
[Book Review] Inclusive Curating in Contemporary Art: A practical guide by Jade French, ARC Humanities Press, 2020 (2021-09)
Garcia Carrizosa, Helena
British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49(3) (pp. 383-384)
A participatory approach to the evaluation of participatory museum research projects (2021)
Seale, Jane; Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Rix, Jonathan; Sheehy, Kieron and Hayhoe, Simon
International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 44(1) (pp. 20-40)
Emergent analysis and dissemination within participatory research (2021)
Rix, Jonathan; Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Hayhoe, Simon; Seale, Jane and Sheehy, Kieron
International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 44(3) (pp. 287-302)
The while of participation: A systematic review of participatory research involving people with sensory impairments and/or intellectual impairments. (2020)
Rix, Jonathan; Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Seale, Jane; Sheehy, Kieron and Hayhoe, Simon
Disability and Society, 35(7) (pp. 1031-1057)
Designing technologies for museums: accessibility and participation issues (2020)
Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Sheehy, Kieron; Rix, Jonathan; Seale, Jane and Hayhoe, Simon
Journal of Enabling Technologies, 14(1) (pp. 31-39)
Cultural Differences in ARCHES: A European Participatory Research Project—Working with Mixed Access Preferences in Different Cultural Heritage Sites (2019)
Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Diaz, Jara; Krall, Rotraut and Sisinni Ganly, Felicitas
The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, 12(3) (pp. 33-50)
Inclusive museums and augmented reality. Affordances, participation, ethics and fun (2019)
Sheehy, Kieron; Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Rix, Jonathan; Seale, Jane and Hayhoe, Simon
The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, 12(4) (pp. 67-85)
A proposal for a unified framework for the design of technologies for people with learning difficulties (2018-09-05)
Seale, Jane; Garcia-Carrizosa, Helena; Rix, Jonty; Sheehy, Kieron and Hayhoe, Simon
Technology and Disability, 30(1-2) (pp. 25-40)
Pictures in Your Mind: Using Interactive Gesture-Controlled Reliefs to Explore Art (2018-04)
Reichinger, Andreas; Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Wood, Joanna; Schröder, Svenja; Löw, Christian; Luidolt, Laura Rosalia; Schimkowitsch, Maria; Fuhrmann, Anton; Maierhofer, Stefan and Purgathofer, Werner
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, 11, Article 2(1)
What common design principles can be distilled out from literature in the field of technologies and learning difficulties that might inform the design of technologies within the EU funded ARCHES Project? (2017-05)
Seale, Jane; Garcia-Carrizosa, Helena; Rix, Jonathan; Sheehy, Kieron and Hayhoe, Simon
Jane Seale