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Mrs Katie Jones

Profile summary

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Professional biography

I am an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded Doctoral Researcher based in the School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care and Research Assistant in the School of Psychology and Counselling at the Open University.

Research interests

My research explores the emotional wellbeing of families during vulnerable transitions (e.g., pregnancy, postpartum, and cancer diagnosis), focusing on the social and cognitive mechanisms underlying anxiety, depression, subclinical psychological distress. I thrive on collaboration, whether that is with other researchers, community stakeholders, or experts by experience, and aim to coproduce accessible research with members of the population in focus.

My doctoral research includes a cross-sectional online survey, systematic review, and longitudinal mixed-methods online survey which should produce a comprehensive picture of postpartum anxiety risk factors and triggers, with particular emphasis on modifiable social and cognitive factors. The project is guided by input from NHS and third sector stakeholders and people with lived experience of postpartum anxiety. These stakeholders contribute to the research design, recruitment, analysis, and dissemination to ensure outputs are applicable in a real-world context. It aims to inform preventative and supportive interventions to reduce the prevalence, severity, and long-term implications of postnatal anxiety.

Beyond my doctoral research, I have co-authored quantitative and qualitative research investigating maternal mental health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic, and a review of the relationship between repetitive negative thinking and anxiety and depression during the perinatal period. 

More recently, my work as a Research Assistant has revolved around the application of e-Health tools to support emotional wellbeing. I am involved in two e-Health related projects; one focused on reducing postpartum anxiety symptoms in women and birthing people, and the other to support the wellbeing needs of people diagnosed with non-smoking related lung cancer.

Impact and engagement

I am leading patient and public involvement (PPI) on an NIHR grant application and am committed to working collaboratively with stakeholders to ensure research is applicable and accessible to the UK context. I sit on several NHS co-production and steering groups to champion perinatal mental health service improvements and encourage the expert-by-experience-led coproduction of evidence-based resources, disseminating research findings as they arise to increase awareness of opportunities to support families. 

External collaborations

I am working with a range of stakeholders from across Cheshire and Merseyside including NHS, Public Health, and third sector organisations to trial an intervention for postpartum emotional wellbeing, whilst work to explore the use of e-health tools for families living with lung cancer is being conducted in partnership with three national charities. External collaborations have led to several collaborative grant applications, two of which are now under review with the NIHR.

I am a core member of the Society of Reproductive and Infant Psychology (SRIP) Early Career Researcher (ECR) subgroup, facilitating their monthly virtual social/peer-support meetings attended by ECRs from across Europe and Australia. I also assist with the delivery of their quarterly ECR workshops and have utilised connections with the SRIP ECR group to expand my systematic review to include co-researchers from Australia, Switzerland, and the UK.

Beyond this, I have worked with an Australian-based research team on a published review of the association between repetitive negative thinking and anxiety and depression during the perinatal period.


Supporting the wellbeing of oncodriven lung cancer patients online: a qualitative study (2024-04)
Harrison, Virginia; Jones, Katie; Hyde, Caroline; Doshi, Deepa; Terry, Angela and Montague, Debra
Lung Cancer, 190, Article 107697(1)

Repetitive negative thinking in the perinatal period and its relationship with anxiety and depression (2022-08-15)
Moulds, Michelle L; Bisby, Madelyne A; Black, Melissa J; Jones, Katie; Harrison, Virginia; Hirsch, Colette R and Newby, Jill M
Journal of Affective Disorders, 311 (pp. 446-462)

Perceived social support and prenatal wellbeing; The mediating effects of loneliness and repetitive negative thinking on anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic (2022-04-29)
Harrison, Virginia; Moulds, Michelle and Jones, Katie
Women and Birth, 35(3) (pp. 232-241)

Support from friends moderates the relationship between repetitive negative thinking and postnatal wellbeing during COVID-19 (2022)
Harrison, Virginia; Moulds, Michelle L. and Jones, Katie
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 40(5) (pp. 516-531)

A qualitative analysis of feelings and experiences associated with perinatal distress during the COVID-19 pandemic (2022)
Jones, Katie; Harrison, Virginia; Moulds, Michelle L. and Lazard, Lisa
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22, Article 572(1)

Risk factors associated with Postpartum Anxiety in Australia, Europe, and North America: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis [Conference Poster] (2024)
Jones, Katie; Folliard, Kelda; Di Malta, Gina; Oates, John; Gilbert, Leah and Harrison, Virginia
In : ESRC Grand Union Doctoral Training Partnership Annual Conference 2024 (4-5 Jun 2024, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK)