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Mr Malcolm Griffiths

Profile summary

Professional biography

I joined the Open University in 2010 as a member of the university’s international teacher education and development team.  Since then, the projects I have worked on are: English in Action (EIA) Bangladesh 2010-2017; Improving Gender Attitudes. Transition n Education Outcomes (IGATE-T); Zimbabwe from 2017; Supporting Adolescent Girls’ Education (SAGE) Zimbabwe from 2019; Towards Results in English and Education (TREE) Myanmar 2019 - 2022, for which acted as Academic Director, Teacher Training for Gils'' Education (TTIGE) Sierra Leone. I am currently a member of the postgraduate team in the school of Education, Childhood, Youth and Sport, authoring materials on educational leadership and management and inclusive practice. 








Research interests

Areas of professional interest

  • Mobile and blended learning in continuing professional development
  • School-based teacher professional development
  • Peer support in CPD

Teaching interests

  • Continuing professional development for teachers
  • Early years foreign language learning;
  • Education in international development
  • Educational leadership
  • Initial teacher education


Ethnic differences in risk factors for adverse birth outcomes between Pakistani, Bangladeshi and White British mothers (2020-01)
Garcia, Rebecca; Ali, Nasreen; Guppy, Andrew; Griffiths, Malcolm and Randhawa, Gurch
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(1) (pp. 174-182)

The ‘trainer in your pocket’: mobile phones within a teacher continuing professional development (CDP) program in Bangladesh (2013)
Walsh, Christopher S.; Power, Tom; Khatoon, Masuda; Biswas, Sudeb Kumar; Paul, Ashok Kumar; Sarka, Bikash Chandra and Griffiths, Malcolm
Professional Development in Education, 39(2) (pp. 186-200)

English in Action: a new approach to continuing professional development through the use of mediated video, peer support and low-cost mobilephones in Bangladesh (2014)
Woodward, Clare; Griffiths, Malcolm and Solly, Michael
In: Hayes, David ed. Innovations In The Continuing Professional Development Of English Language Teachers (pp. 227-248)
ISBN : 978-0-86355-741-5 | Publisher : British Council | Published : London

Teachers' Voices. Capturing the Dynamics of Change (2017)
Sarkar, Bikash Chandra; Hedges, Claire; Griffiths, Malcolm; Mathew, Rama and Biswas, Sudeb Kumar eds.
Publisher : English in Action, Bangladesh | Published : Dhaka, Bangladesh

Educational Technology Landscape Review, Myanmar (2019-08-29)
Power, Tom; Griffiths, Malcolm and Seal, Timothy
DFID Myanmar-UK Partnership for Education

How are English language teachers supported to develop professional knowledge and practice, within their schools? Qualitative Study (2017)
Power, Tom; Mathew, Rama and Griffiths, Malcolm
English in Action (EIA), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Teachers’ voices. Capturing the dynamics of change through classroom research. Report on teachers’ studies and 2017 conference (2017)
Biswas, Sudeb Kumar; Griffiths, Malcolm; Hedges, Claire; Mathew, Rama and Sarkar, Bikash Chandra
English in Action, Dhala Bangladesh.