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Dr Sylvia Warnecke

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Profile summary

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Professional biography

Dr Sylvia Warnecke is Senior Lecturer and Staff Tutor in Languages at the Open University in Scotland. She currently holds the position of Associate Head of School Students and Nations in the OU’s School of Languages and Applied Linguistics with a specific remit for external partnership working across the UK Nations.


Research interests

Following on from her work on social presence in online language learning and teaching, her current research and Knowledge Exchange work focuses on the connections between bi-/multilingualism, language learning and wellbeing in people with degenerative brain disease. Another focus of her work is the support of the learning and teaching of indigenous languages of the UK, specifically Scots and British Sign Language. Alongside this, her work aims to support the speakers of community languages, specifically in migrant and refugee communities.

Teaching interests

She has led the development of pioneering online professional learning curriculum with third sector professional bodies and organisations for social care staff, teachers as well as members of community organisations, all with an emphasis on the importance of languages for people’s access to and inclusion in society and education.


Fostering social presence through task design (2012)
Hauck, Mirjam and Warnecke, Sylvia
Fremdsprachen und Hochschule, 85(2) (pp. 175-200)

Repercussions of writing under socialism: GDR retellings of myths and epics as educational tools and challenging testimonies (2010)
Warnecke, Sylvia
Interjuli(1) (pp. 62-76)

Myth adaptations for children in the German democratic republic-potential and limitations of socio-critical writing in an authoritan society (2009-07)
Warnecke, Sylvia
The Journal of Children's Literature Studies, 6(2) (pp. 70-87)

Shedding the ego: Drama-based role-play and identity in distance language tuition (2009-04)
Brash, Baerbel and Warnecke, Sylvia
Language Learning Journal, 37(1) (pp. 99-109)

Reynard the Fox for children in the GDR: the story of a tamed villain's adventures? (2003)
Warnecke, Sylvia
Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 84(3) (pp. 171-187)

The GDR: a paradise for children's literature? Between idealism and control of Marxist-Leninist cultural policy (2001)
Warnecke, Sylvia
Literatuur Zonder Leeftijid, 15(56) (pp. 343-353)

Die 'visuelle Bibliothek' des Gerstenberg-Verlages: Klassiker fur Kinder (1999)
Warnecke, Sylvia
Deutschunterricht, 52(3) (pp. 234-236)

Mythen und Sagen als Schulexperiment (1994)
Warnecke, Sylvia
Deutschunterricht, 47 (pp. 35-42)

Prometheus in der Schule (1992)
Warnecke, Sylvia
Deutschunterricht, 45 (pp. 35-42)

Audience perceptions of historical authenticity in visual media (2021-12-22)
Beavers, Sian and Warnecke, Sylvia
In: Alvestad, Karl and Houghton, Robert eds. The Middle Ages in Modern Culture: History and Authenticity in Contemporary Medievalism (pp. 74-89)
Publisher : Bloomsbury Academic | Published : London

Researching participatory literacy and positioning in online learning communities (2016-03-23)
Hauck, Mirjam; Galley, Rebecca and Warnecke, Sylvia
In: Farr, Fiona and Murray, Liam eds. The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics (pp. 71-87)
ISBN : 978-0-415-83787-3 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London

Materials design in CALL: social presence in online environments (2012-11-22)
Hauck, Mirjam and Warnecke, Sylvia
In: Thomas, Michael; Reinders, Hayo and Warschauer, Mark eds. Contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning (pp. 95-115)
ISBN : 978-1-4411-9362-9 | Publisher : Bloomsbury | Published : London

Face-to-Face teaching in blended contexts (2011-05-26)
Nicolson, Margaret and Warnecke, Sylvia
In: Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret eds. Language Teaching in Blended Contexts (pp. 154-168)
ISBN : 978-1-906716-20-2 | Publisher : Dunedin Academic Press | Published : Edinburgh, U.K.

Asynchronous online teaching (2011-05-26)
Green, Hannelore; St. John, Elke; Warnecke, Sylvia and Atkinson, Vikki
In: Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret eds. Language Teaching in Blended Contexts (pp. 169-184)
ISBN : 9781906716202 | Publisher : Dunedin Academic Press | Published : Edinburgh, UK

Neu-und Nacherzalhlungen von Mythen, Sagen and Epen fur Kinder und Jugendliche in der DDR (1995)
Warnecke, Sylvia
In: Dahrendorf, Malte ed. Kinder- und Jugendliteratur : Material. Edition Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte
ISBN : 3-06-102819-6 | Publisher : Volk und Wissen | Published : Berlin