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Action research

Action Research as a Method to Find Solutions for the Burden of Caregiving at Hospital Discharge

The role played by family caregivers in delivering long-term care is crucial: they enhance the quality of care perceived by the patients and support the shift to out-of-hospital care. However, taking care of a relative entails a huge burden that usually begins with the patient’s hospital discharge and may mean that caregivers become patients in need of care as well. Owing to socio-demographic trends, informal caregiving is the most important source of care in community settings; hence targeting the caregivers’ burden properly is crucial.

Tue, 08/04/2020 - 14:19

A participatory action research project evaluating a carers' representation group : Carers Against Stigma

I describe the development of a group in North London that aimed to increase the involvement of carers in the development and monitoring of mental health services across the borough. I enabled the carers to evaluate their experiences of the group using a participatory action research model. The evaluation was divided into two phases. Phase 1 focused on how the carers developed effective processes to facilitate the individuals in the group to represent not only their experiences but those of the collective.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

Shifting the balance of power? Short breaks for carers in Wolverhampton

Reports on a project in Wolverhampton which reviewed short break (respite care) services for carers and the projects progress so far. The project focused on carers of people in the age range of 18-65, where provision of short breaks was seen to be most in need of development. The project used action research methods and included involvement of a number of carer support groups. Accounts from 50 carers on their short break experiences and aspirations were also collected.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12