Abuse within caring relationships - the cared for and/or the carer.
The impact of bereavement on carers.
The experience of caring as a burden.
The costs of caring and the economic impact of care.
Depression in carers as a result of caring.
The impact of caring on carers’ labour force participation, and implications for employers.
The impact of caring on carers’ health and wellbeing.
Carers’ needs for support in caring.
Boundaries, tensions and trade-offs in caring relationships.
Crisis in the supply of care, and in carers’ capacity to continue caring.
The decision to place a person in residential care and the impact on carers as they continue to care in a new context.
Ethical issues and dilemmas that arise in care.
The impacts of caring on specific groups of carers.
Longitudinal investigations of carers and caring situations.
Outcomes and measuring impact of care.
What happens to carers when the caring situation ends.
Psychological impact of caring; and psychological interventions aimed at improving well-being.
The quality of life of carers and those they care for – the positive and negative effects of caring.
Carers’ resilience, and the strategies they adopt in coping.
Practical and psychological risks in caring situations for both carers and those they care for.
The satisfactions people derive from caring, or satisfaction with particular support.
The impact of caring on social inclusion and participation.
The emotional costs of caring and the experience of related stress.
Transitions in and out of care over the life course.