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Home care in dementia: The views of informal carers from a co-designed consultation

Background: In the United Kingdom, there is a current priority for high-quality dementia care provided at home. However, home care or domiciliary care is an area where problems have been reported, in terms of a lack of consistency, coordination and appropriate responses to the specific needs of those with dementia. The views of informal carers, who often must respond to these problems when supporting relatives, are crucial in shedding light on the issues and in seeking to promote solutions.

Fri, 09/02/2022 - 14:45

Family Caregiver and Provider Perspectives on Inclusive Care: Aligning Needs and Expectations

Background: Home-based and community-based health care for individuals with complex medical conditions is often provided by family caregivers. Yet caregivers often are not meaningfully included in interactions with clinical health care teams. Inclusive care means inviting the caregiver to participate in shared decision-making and treatment planning. For aging or medically vulnerable adults, caregiver inclusion is an important facet of patient-centered care.

Thu, 09/01/2022 - 20:23

Seeking healthcare services post-stroke: a qualitative descriptive study exploring family caregiver and stroke survivor perspectives in an asian setting

Objectives: Exploration of the healthcare journey post-stroke is incomplete without acknowledging the crucial role of family caregivers. With limited literature documenting the role of caregivers in the healthcare journey post-stroke, we aimed to describe the healthcare experiences of family caregivers and stroke survivors across different caregiver identities in Singapore. Methods: We conducted a qualitative descriptive study involving semi-structured interviews with transcripts analysed using thematic analysis.

Thu, 09/01/2022 - 17:05

Shifting sands: Actor role and identity reconfigurations in service systems

Background: Building on previous actor-to-actor perspectives in service systems, this study mapped the dialectic trajectory of actor role and identity transitions in the context of family caregiving. Methods: The study employed the theoretical lens of role and identity transitions and drew on in-depth, qualitative interviews with 22 unpaid family caregivers caring for dependent relatives to demonstrate how family caregiver roles and identities co-evolve throughout the caregiving journey.

Thu, 09/01/2022 - 14:54

Family Caregiver Perspectives on Benefits and Challenges of Caring for Older Adults With Paid Caregivers

Background: Many older adults receive help from both family caregivers and home care workers. We aimed to understand family caregivers’ perspectives on home care workers. Methods: This qualitative study took place at an academic medical center in New York, N.Y. We interviewed family caregivers of community-dwelling older adults about their experiences with home care workers. We analyzed transcripts thematically.

Thu, 09/01/2022 - 12:24

The Tele-STELLA protocol: Telehealth-based support for families living with later-stage Alzheimer's disease

Objectives: We aim to establish the feasibility and acceptability of the Tele-STELLA (Support via Telehealth: Living and Learning with Advancing Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias) intervention. We will also assess the efficacy of the intervention in reducing the frequency of behavioural symptoms of dementia as well as family Care Partner reactivity to the symptoms. Methods: This is a multi-component, quasi-experimental study that focuses on facilitating effective management of behavioural symptoms that occur in the later stages of dementia.

Wed, 08/31/2022 - 21:10

Do caregivers who connect online have better outcomes? A systematic review of online peer-support interventions for caregivers of people with stroke, dementia, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis

Background and Objectives: This systematic review aimed to identify and appraise the evidence for online peer-support interventions for caregivers of stroke survivors (with and without aphasia), and people with dementia, traumatic brain injury (TBI), Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. Research Design and Methods: Systematic review conducted in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.

Wed, 08/24/2022 - 22:21

Depressive-Symptom Trajectories From End-of-Life Caregiving Through the First 2 Bereavement Years for Family Caregivers of Advanced Cancer Patients

Background: Family caregivers' distinct depressive-symptom trajectories are understudied and have been examined independently during end-of-life (EOL) caregiving or bereavement, making it difficult to validate two competing hypotheses (wear-and-tear vs. relief) of caregiving effects on bereavement. Existing studies may also miss short-term heterogeneity in depressive symptoms during the immediate postloss period due to lengthy delays in the first postloss assessment.

Wed, 08/24/2022 - 14:59

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on family carers in the community: A scoping review

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the closure or reduction in support services for family carers, resulting in increased social isolation and stress for this population. Objectives: The current scoping review aimed to identify the impact of COVID-19 upon carers and support provided for them during the pandemic.

Tue, 08/23/2022 - 22:58

Multiple roles of parental caregivers of children with complex life-threatening conditions: A qualitative descriptive analysis

Objective: Children born with Complex Life-Threatening Conditions (CLTCs) often require complex and specialized services. Parents of children with CLTCs balance the role of caregiver with other responsibilities of employment, education, relationships, and self-care. The purpose of this paper is to describe the challenges for parents serving as caregivers of children with CLTCs and their intersection with health care provider expectations through utilization and adaptation of the role theory framework.

Tue, 08/23/2022 - 22:51

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