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A long-term support group for people with dementia

This article reports the evaluation of a 24-week support group for people with recently diagnosed dementia.  The group was evaluated in four ways: transcript analysis of group sessions, interviews with participants and carers about the group at 8 and 20 weeks from the start of the group, rating of the importance of eight therapeutic factors by participants, carers and group leaders, mood scales completed by participants and their carers before the group and at 8 and 20 weeks after it started.  The evaluation suggests that as the group progressed, participants became more positive about usin

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Where carers become the cared for

Carers with learning disabilities are a hidden group within the population, and remain a largely neglected group. The article describes a campaign called ‘Who Cares for Us?' which is working with government and social services to make sure carers with learning disabilities are included in the new carers strategies. The Valuing People Now formed a National Network for Carers with Learning Disabilities, building on the work of 'Who Cares for Us'.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Estimating the costs of informal care for people with Alzheimer's disease: methodological and practical challenges

In Alzheimer's disease and related disorders estimates of informal care costs have been neglected and when included in cost of illness studies, valuations have been highly variable. This illustrates the need to standardise the methodology not only for valuing formal, but also informal care costs. Methods used for valuing informal care are identified, together with theoretical and practical challenges in measurement.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Outreach nurse support after stroke: a descriptive study on patients' and carers' needs, and applied nursing interventions

Objective: To describe the number and types of problems mentioned by successfully contacted home-dwelling stroke patients and their carers, and nursing interventions applied.

Design: In this multicentre quantitative study in the Netherlands, stroke patients and carers received outreach nurse support consisting of three telephone contacts and one home visit within six months after discharge. Standardized checklists describing a wide range of potential problems were used to record problems and interventions.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

How the lives of young carers differ from those of young non-carers and how their efforts sometimes go unsupported

The author highlights the plight of young carers whose support needs are often overlooked and whose hard work is seldom recognised. Cites four references.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

An adult education: Learning and understanding what young service users and carers really, really want in terms of their mental well being

For the past decade nurse education has incorporated service user and carer perspectives into their programme and research agendas. Moving from rhetoric to the reality of embedding adult service user and carer knowledge into nurse education this paper discusses how this good practice was extended to young people under the age of 18. Globally, the mental health of young people is coming under the spotlight and based on this two “World Café” events focusing on young people and their mental well being were organised.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Inconsistencies in the roles of family- and paid- carers in monitoring health issues in people with learning disabilities : some implications for the integration of health and social care

Changes in the living circumstances of people with learning disabilities have seen responsibility for their health become the provenance of paid-and family-carers. Thirteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with three family-carers and ten paid-carers. Findings revealed that the role of these carers was undefined, leading to difficulty in deciphering who was responsible for the health care of the people they supported, with some paid-carers claiming that health was outwith their remit.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Association between unmet needs for community services and caregiving strain

This study describes informal caregivers' unmet needs for community services and investigates the association between unmet needs and caregiving strain. The data used in this study were extracted from the Family Caregiving in the U.S. Survey and included 463 caregivers caring for an older adult who received community services. Among these caregivers, over one-third reported that the community services used by the care receivers did not meet their needs.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Broadening the definition of leadership: active citizens as leaders of change

The term leadership has been often applicable within the work domain, where development programmes are aimed at managers and lead organisations. However the government has recognised that changes in public services require the collaboration of many stakeholders working together in partnership and has placed at the core of its policies the need to include users and carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Part 2: Home-based family caregiving at the end of life: a comprehensive review of published quantitative research (1998-2008)

Family caregivers are crucial for supporting home death. We reviewed published qualitative research on home-based family caregiving at end of life (1998—2008), synthesizing key findings and identifying gaps where additional research is needed. Multiple databases were searched and abstracts reviewed for a focus on family caregiving and palliative care; full articles were reviewed to extract data for this review. In total, 105 articles were included.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

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