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‘It’s Like Chicken Talking to Ducks’ and Other Challenges to Families of Chinese Immigrant Older Adults in Long-Term Residential Care

Immigrant older adults are increasingly moving into long term residential care (LTRC) homes; however, most were designed and continue to be run in accordance with Anglocentric norms and values. Participation and interest in Family Councils—through which they might collectively voice concerns—was low within our purposive sample of nine Chinese-origin residents living in LTRC homes and 11 family carers.

Tue, 10/23/2018 - 11:46

Patient and caregiver goals for dementia care

Purpose: Most health outcome measures for chronic diseases do not incorporate specific health goals of patients and caregivers. To elicit patient-centered goals for dementia care, we conducted a qualitative study using focus groups of people with early-stage dementia and dementia caregivers. Methods: We conducted 5 focus groups with 43 participants (7 with early-stage dementia and 36 caregivers); 15 participants were Spanish-speaking.

Mon, 10/22/2018 - 13:31

Rural end-of-life care from the experiences and perspectives of patients and family caregivers: A systematic literature review

Background: End-of-life care must be relevant to the dying person and their family caregiver regardless of where they live. Rural areas are distinct and need special consideration.

Wed, 08/22/2018 - 13:17

Cancer diagnosis disclosure preferences of family caregivers of cancer patients in Egypt

Objective: Family caregivers (FCs) of cancer patients are frequently seen as a barrier to honest communication with patients in Egypt. This study was conducted to investigate the attitude of FCs of cancer patients toward cancer diagnosis disclosure (CDD) and its determinants.; Methods: A structured interview was used to assess the preferences of 288 FCs regarding CDD.; Results: According to the FCs, 85% of patients were aware of their diagnosis. The majority (81%) of FCs preferred CDD to patients.

Wed, 08/15/2018 - 14:57

Towards a culturally acceptable end-of-life survey questionnaire: a Bengali translation of VOICES

Aim To assess the cultural acceptability and appropriateness of an English end-of-life survey questionnaire translated into Bengali for use in east London.

Study design Group discussions with informal carers (n=3 groups) and professionals (n=1 group).

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:24

Dying from cancer in developed and developing countries: lessons from two qualitative interview studies of patients and their carers

Objective: To describe the experiences of illness and needs and use of services in two groups of patients with incurable cancer, one in a developed country and the other in a developing country.

Design: Scotland: longitudinal study with qualitative interviews. Kenya: cross sectional study with qualitative interviews.

Settings: Lothian region, Scotland, and Meru District, Kenya.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:22

Care-giving as a Canadian-Vietnamese tradition: 'it's like eating, you just do it'

The objective of this study was to examine how Vietnamese family caregivers (FCGs) perceive, manage and experience end-of-life care-giving for seriously ill family members. Using an instrumental case study design, this longitudinal qualitative research employed the use of cultural brokers/language interpreters to help ensure that the research was conducted in a culturally-appropriate manner.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:21

Working family carers in Portugal: between the duty and the burden of caring for old vulnerable people

This paper intends to reflect on some of the predominant traits of caring for older vulnerable people in Portugal, where the most common care model is a mix of informal home-based provision and support from the public and private sectors. We shall address some issues concerning the risks and limits of informal caretaking of older dependent people based on a case study of a woman who has to fulfil multiple roles, pushing her to the limit of her ability to cope.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:21

Caring for carers: how community nurses can support carers of people with cancer

There are more than 1 million people in the UK looking after a family member or friend with cancer, but half the number of these carers do not receive support to care. Providing this care significantly affects cancer carers emotionally, physically, and financially. Community and district nurses have a vital role to play in reaching out to these hidden carers and signposting them to the correct support. This article provides tips on identifying carers, including who they are, the challenges they face, and how health professionals can approach and speak to them.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

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