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When the mask comes off: Mothers' experiences of parenting a daughter with autism spectrum condition

Parents of children with autism spectrum condition report increased stress and difficulties compared with parents of typically developing children. Our knowledge and understanding of how autism spectrum condition presents in autistic females is currently limited and parents of this population may experience challenges when raising their daughter. Given that mothers are often the main caregiver of a child with autism spectrum condition, they may have useful insights into the experiences of parenting a daughter with autism spectrum condition.

Thu, 12/29/2022 - 11:24

Daughters' experiences of shared caregiving to a parent with dementia

Background: Siblings often share in the care of parents with dementia, but little is known about how care is shared. Research suggests that in comparison with their brothers, sisters provide the majority of care to a parent with dementia and this can contribute to the sisters experiencing poorer health outcomes. There is limited knowledge about how to guide siblings who share in the care of a parent with dementia. Aim: Our qualitative descriptive study sought to explore the experiences of adult daughters sharing care responsibilities with their siblings.

Wed, 02/02/2022 - 11:34

Impact of Behavioral Symptoms in Dementia Patients on Depression in Daughter and Daughter-in-Law Caregivers

Background: One caregiver relationship that has been neglected in caregiver depression research is the daughter-in-law. Compared with Western countries, in which those who are closer in familial relationships such as the spouse or child usually take care of the patient, in many Asian countries, the daughter-in-law often assumes the caretaker role. However, not much research has been done on how this relationship may result in different caregiver outcomes.

Mon, 03/25/2019 - 14:32

Advocating for a parent with dementia in a long-term care facility: The process experienced by daughters

Daughter caregivers of elders with dementia become their parents' advocates over time. This role takes on even greater importance when one or both parents are placed in a long-term care facility. This article presents the results of a qualitative study aimed at explaining how this advocacy role evolves following institutionalisation. In-depth interviews were conducted with daughters (N = 14) of an institutionalised parent with dementia and selected using a theoretical sampling procedure.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10