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Delphi technique

Healthcare utilization and costs in primary care patients with dementia: baseline results of the DelpHi-trial

The objectives of this cross-sectional analysis were to determine healthcare resource utilization and cost for community-dwelling patients with dementia (PWD) from a payer's and societal perspective, and to analyze the associations between costs and sociodemographic and clinical variables. Analysis of healthcare costs from a payer's perspective was based on a sample of 425 PWD, analysis of healthcare costs from societal perspective on a subsample of 254 PWD and their informal caregivers. Frequency of healthcare resource utilization was assessed by means of questionnaires.

Wed, 02/06/2019 - 10:03

Do different stakeholder groups share mental health research priorities? A four-arm Delphi study

BACKGROUND: Despite considerable investment in research priority setting within diverse fields of healthcare, little is known about the extent to which different stakeholder groups share research priorities. Conflicting priorities may jeopardize stakeholder engagement in research.

OBJECTIVE: To identify the research priorities of different stakeholder groups within mental health care and examine the extent and nature of agreement between them.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:22

Assessing needs from patient, carer and professional perspectives: the Camberwell Assessment of Need for Elderly people in primary care

Background: despite evidence that needs assessment of older people can improve survival and function when linked to effective long‐term management, there is no structured needs assessment tool in widespread use. The Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly is a new tool not previously evaluated in primary care. It includes the views of patients, carers and health professionals, enabling a direct comparison of their perspectives.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13