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Dementia care

Evaluation of an integrated service delivering post diagnostic care and support for people living with dementia and their families

Greater integration of health and social care services is considered vital to ensure sustainable long‐term quality provision for the growing numbers of people living with dementia and their families. Integration of services is at the heart of government policy in England. We evaluated a new integrated service for post diagnostic dementia care, funded as a pilot and delivered through a partnership of statutory and voluntary sector health and social care organisations.

Fri, 06/07/2019 - 10:23

Extra care: viable for couples living with dementia?

PURPOSE: The perspectives of people with dementia and their care partners regarding "extra care" housing are currently unknown. The purpose of this paper is to report findings of a consultation study exploring the perceived barriers and facilitators of a relocation to extra care housing, from the perspective of people living with dementia, and their care partners. DESIGN/METHOOLOGY/APPROACH: Fieldwork consisted of paired or 1-1 interviews and small focus groups with potential users of an alternative model of extra care support for people living with dementia in the South of England.

Tue, 05/14/2019 - 19:23

Financial Care for Older Adults With Dementia: Characteristics of Adult Children Caregivers

This article describes an examination of the sociodemographic characteristics of adult children, particularly Baby Boomer caregivers, who provide financial care to older parents with dementia. The sample including 1,011adult children dementia caregivers aged 50 to 64 years is selected from a nationally representative sample in the 2010 Health and Retirement Study. Exact logistic regression revealed that race, provision of financial assistance to caregiver children, and the number of their children are significantly associated with financial caregiving of parents.

Thu, 03/21/2019 - 16:34

Prioritizing problems in and solutions to homecare safety of people with dementia: supporting carers, streamlining care

Background: Dementia care is predominantly provided by carers in home settings. We aimed to identify the priorities for homecare safety of people with dementia according to dementia health and social care professionals using a novel priority-setting method.; Methods: The project steering group determined the scope, the context and the criteria for prioritization. We then invited 185 North-West London clinicians via an open-ended questionnaire to identify three main problems and solutions relating to homecare safety of people with dementia.

Wed, 11/21/2018 - 12:51

I just can't please them all and stay sane: Adult child caregivers’ experiences of family dynamics in care‐giving for a parent with dementia in Australia

Family caregivers of people with dementia who live within the community often experience stress and poor quality of life due to their care‐giving role. While there are many factors that affect this, one influential factor is the family context. This study focussed on adult child caregivers. It examined the specific ways that family dynamics contribute to adult child caregivers’ distress in the context of caring for a parent with dementia.

Wed, 11/21/2018 - 11:30

A person‐centred approach to family carer needs assessment and support in dementia community care in Western Australia

This feasibility study aimed to identify and address the support needs of family carers (FCs) of people living with dementia and to assess whether the use of the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool (CSNAT) intervention in home‐based care was acceptable and relevant to FCs. The CSNAT intervention comprised two FC support needs assessment visits, 7 weeks apart, plus associated actions addressing prioritised needs by the Client Care Advisors of a community care service in Western Australia in 2015.

Fri, 08/24/2018 - 12:51

'Deferred or chickened out?' Decision making among male carers of people with dementia

In this paper, we present new insight into the ways in which carers of people with dementia make decisions in the context of seemingly declining autonomy and freedom associated with the condition. Our focus is on the ways in which carers reflect on decisions made in different temporal contexts (day-to-day, medium- and long term). Drawing on data and analysis from in-depth interviews with male informal carers of women with mild to moderate dementia living in the northwest of England, we outline how the decision-making process is dependent on the temporality of the decisions.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:22

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