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E-learning as valuable caregivers' support for people with dementia - A systematic review

Background: Present demographic trends show a considerable rise in elderly populations with aging disorders, such as dementia.

Thu, 01/23/2020 - 11:21

Development of an eHealth information resource for family carers supporting a person receiving palliative care on the island of Ireland

Background: Many people receiving palliative care wish to die at home. Often, support from family or friends is key to ensuring that this wish is fulfilled. However, carers report feeling underprepared to undertake this role. This paper describes the process of developing a consensus and evidence based website to provide core information to help people support someone receiving palliative care on the island of Ireland.

Tue, 10/22/2019 - 16:07

Interprofessional and inter-agency collaboration (IPIAC) e-learning course - An introduction to interprofessional and inter-agency collaboration

One of a series of e-learning resources which explore the nature of interprofessional and inter-agency collaboration (IPIAC) and improving collaborative practice. The interactive resource uses audio, video and interactive technology to examine the nature of collaboration, why it is important, its purposes and its growing place in policy and practice. Those using care services and carers also talk about their experiences of effective and ineffective collaboration.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:18

An introduction to the mental health of older people: understanding later stage dementia

This learning object focuses primarily on the later stages of dementia and on managing the more significant or prominent challenges - and symptoms - associated with this level of dementia. The material aims to reflect, where possible, the experiences of people with dementia and their family carers. Many of the examples given are located in a care home setting although the issues are also very relevant to supporting a person with dementia in the community.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:18

Communication skills: forming and maintaining relationships with service users, carers, professionals and others

This resource looks at the benefits that are gained from the relationships that are built within social work. Using the voices of service users, carers and workers you will hear accounts of how the relationships that were created helped them to deal with the difficulties they faced.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15