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End of life

Caregivers needing care: the unmet needs of the family caregivers of end-of-life cancer patients

Purpose: Family caregivers play a significant role in the care of cancer patients, especially in their end of life. Identifying and meeting the needs of these caregivers is essential to improving their quality of patient care. This study was conducted to identify the unmet needs of the caregivers of end-of-life cancer patients. Methods: A total of 18 semi-structured interviews were held with the family caregivers of end-of-life cancer patients using purposive sampling.

Fri, 10/19/2018 - 15:11

Caregiver Experience During Advanced Chronic Illness and Last Year of Life

Objectives To compare the prevalence and predictors of caregiver esteem and burden during two different stages of care recipients' illnesses-advanced chronic illness and the last year of life. Design Longitudinal, observational cohort study.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

From 'conductor' to 'second fiddle': older adult care recipients' perspectives on transitions in family caring at hospital admission

Background: Family carers provide strong support for many older adults, often enabling older adults to remain at home. Little is known about the care recipients’ perspectives of the role and contributions of family carers, particularly when hospital admissions occur as part of end of life care.

Aim: This paper explores the meanings of family caring for care recipients by drawing on older adults’ perspectives about the impact of hospital admission on established family caring relationships.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

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