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Forensic psychiatry

Facilities for carers of in-patients in forensic psychiatric services in England and Wales

A postal survey of forensic psychiatric facilities in England and Wales was undertaken to obtain information about the services provided for carers of in-patients within these services.

Forensic psychiatric services vary in the support and facilities provided for carers. Many do not comply with current legislation for carers. Most units informed carers of their rights to have an assessment, but only a minority provided facilities for carers from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:17

A survey exploring the provision of carers' support in medium and high secure services in England and Wales

Although the focus on carers has increased in general psychiatry, the same cannot be said for forensic psychiatry. This is despite the fact that carers of mentally disordered offenders may experience additional pressures including in some cases, being the victim of the patients' crime. A survey of medium and high secure units in England and Wales was conducted to investigate support provided to carers of mentally disordered offenders. Most units provided some form of support, but there was variation in the types and amount of support provided.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16