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Navigating through incontinence: A qualitative systematic review and meta-aggregation of the experiences of family caregivers

Background: Community dwelling older adults who are care dependent are highly affected by incontinence, resulting in substantial informal caregiver burden. Understanding the experiences of these caregivers is needed to develop supportive programs that reduce caregiver burden and rates of institutionalization for care recipients.

Thu, 06/09/2022 - 10:55

Feasibility of Tele-Prompt: A tablet-based prompted voiding intervention to support informal caregivers of older adults with urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence (UI) is a highly prevalent condition, burdening older adults and their informal caregivers. This study explored the development and feasibility of a 6-week evidence-based, educational/skill building program delivered via tablet-personal computer aimed at developing informal caregiver UI knowledge; and enhancing informal caregiver skill set in prompted voiding and toileting strategies. Caregivers also received individualized weekly coaching sessions from a nurse expert. Feasibility and preliminary efficacy were tested in three caregiver/care-recipient dyads.

Mon, 02/17/2020 - 10:52

The social consequences of living with and dealing with incontinence—A carers perspective

Incontinence is a discrediting and stigmatising condition for those who experience it, as it signifies a person who is lacking in self-control. For their carers, the very nature of undertaking ‘dirty work’ signifies a low status and low paid job. Those health care professionals higher in status and financial reward put distance between themselves and bodywork, especially bodywork that deals with bodily decay. However, little is known or has been highlighted about the social consequences that living with and dealing with incontinence can have on informal carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

Group of support and mutual help for informal carers of dependent elderly people

Bringing into operation a group of support and mutual help for informal carers of dependent elderly people at 'Vargas' Health Centre is a necessity that cant be postponed any longer.The project which we want to carry out takes into account the welfare of both the carer and the elderly and consist of supporting the carers by listening to them, by raising their awareness about the importance of the work they do, both for the relative they look after and for society as a whole, and by teaching them to look after themselves during the caring period.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14

Reasons of informal caregivers for institutionalising dementia patients previously living at home: the Pixel study

Context: Study of the problems and requirements of the main caregiver providing home care for dementia patients that have resulted in the patient being institutionalised.

Objectives: To determine the reasons for placing the dementia patient in an institution.

Resources: Self-administered questionnaire of 48 questions on the patient and caregiver, including a list of complaints, given to the main caregiver. Medical questionnaire on the patient filled in by the geriatrician.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13