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Better safety, better quality of life

Reports on the launch of ASTRID ( A Social and Technological Response to meeting the needs of Individuals with Dementia and their Carers) a European project funded under the Telematics Programme, involving the UK, Norway, Netherlands and Ireland. It aims to research and promote the use of assistive technology, a broad term which covers anything from simple devices for individuals to whole systems of adapting housing.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Prevention: Reablement

The film provides an introduction to home care reablement. Reablement is a relatively new service aimed at supporting people to regain independence that may have been reduced or lost through illness or disability. The film focuses on the reablement service in the London Borough of Sutton, known as START (Short Term Assessment and Reablement Team), where we follow the experiences of two people using the service and hear from the manager and senior carer. We also hear from health economist Prof Julien Forder about new research evidence on the cost effectiveness of reablement.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Commercial break

Examines the way in which a vital part of the system penalises carers, particularly parents whose children need supported independence. Looks at the often obstructive way housing benefit rules are interpreted, and at a recent legal decision which may make life easier for parents wanting to provide accommodation for their children.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11

Role of the home carer

Care workers are introduced to the concepts of access and application of policies and procedures, the organisation’s aims & values and working in partnership with other workers and the service user. It also considers the responsibilities a care worker has, as set out in the General Social Care Council’s Code of Practice for Social Care Workers. This video will help them answer such questions as: What standard of conduct is expected of me? What tasks and activities will I be expected to carry out? Where do I go for advice, information and support?

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

Paying the piper and calling the tune? The relationship between parents and direct payments for people with intellectual disabilities

Background  The aim of this paper is to investigate the role parents are playing in direct payments provision for their son or daughter with intellectual disabilities.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

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