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Informal care

Informal caregivers' participation when older adults in Norway are discharged from the hospital

This paper describes the participation of informal caregivers in the discharge process when patients aged 80 and over who were admitted from home to different hospitals in Norway were discharged to long-term community care. Data for this cross-sectional survey were collected through telephone interviews with a consecutive sample of 262 caregivers recruited between October 2007 and May 2009.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:18

Supporting frail older people and their family carers at home using information and communication technology: cost analysis

AIM:This paper describes a cost analysis of a home-based support service for frail older people and their family carers in two municipalities in West Sweden and using information and communication technology.

BACKGROUND: A key challenge facing nurse managers across Europe is an increasingly aged population, combined with reduced numbers of young adults of working age. New solutions are needed to provide quality, cost-effective community care services to frail older people and their family carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:18

The impact of informal care for patients with Pompe disease: An application of the CarerQol instrument

BACKGROUND: Patients with Pompe disease, a rare progressive neuromuscular disorder, receive a considerable amount of informal care. In this study, we examined the impact of providing informal care to patients with Pompe disease.

METHODS: Caregivers were administered various instruments, which measured the (impact of) informal care in the context of Pompe disease. Patients' quality of life and use of a wheelchair and respiratory support were used to investigate the impact of disease severity on the burden and well-being of caregivers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:17

Effectiveness of web-based versus folder support interventions for young informal carers of persons with mental illness: A randomized controlled trial

Objective: Compare the impact of two interventions, a web-based support and a folder support, for young persons who care for people who suffer from mental illness.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:17

Views and experiences of people with intellectual disabilities and their families: (1) the user perspective

The present paper presents a descriptive summary of the views and experiences of people with intellectual disabilities (IDs) as they have been represented in research and other literature. The authors develop further the DoH Research Initiative on Learning Disability: Proposal for a Research Review on the Views and Experiences of Users and Carers, a review report commissioned by the Department of Health on the views and experiences of users and family carers focusing on the ways in which research might contribute to policy and practice.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:17

Caring about carers: only half the picture

This article examines the government's strategy for carers and considers its significance for people in informal caring relationships. It argues that although it contains important and innovative measures, the strategy does not address adequately the complex nature of caring relationships nor does it take account of the perspectives of people who receive care. There is a danger, therefore, that the strategy will be divisive. However, the recognition that caring is a widespread activity is welcomed.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:17

Informal care in farming families in Northern Ireland: some considerations for social work

This paper is the result of a study of the dynamics of care-giving within farming families in Northern Ireland. It is argued that whilst much is known about informal care, existing knowledge is largely urban based and quantitative, and therefore limited. Following in-depth interviews with 'farm wives' it is concluded that for these women care-giving patterns are dependent on a particular set of cultural expectations and norms. Within farming families there is much resistance to becoming involved with formal social services.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:17

Characteristics and contributions of non-kin carers of older people: a closer look at friends and neighbours

Research on informal care-giving has largely neglected the contributions of non-kin carers. This paper investigated the characteristics and contributions of non-kin who care for older adults with a long-term health problem, and investigated friends and neighbours as distinct categories of care providers. Using data from 324 non-kin carers in the 1996 General Social Survey of Canada, this study compared individual and relationship characteristics, care tasks and amount of care provided for the two groups.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:17

Does country influence the health burden of informal care? An international comparison between Belgium and Great Britain

The aim of this paper is to determine whether the association between the provision of informal care and the health status of caregivers is affected by the country of residence. We focus on two European countries, Belgium and Great Britain, and develop a methodology, which consists of matching a subset of areas from Britain with areas in Belgium that are demographically and socioeconomically similar. These pairs of areas are then used as fixed effects in logistic regressions of poor health.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:17

A new deal for carers

Care services minister Ivan Lewis has promised a consultation to update the 1999 strategy for carers. Mark Hunter considers the priority areas for action. [Introduction]

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:17

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