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48 Accessing Respite Services for People with Dementia and Their Carers: A Qualitative Study with Multiple Stakeholders

Background People with dementia and carers do not always access respite services in a timely manner, and in some cases, they do not access respite services at all. While carers' perspectives on respite access have been explored, other stakeholder perspectives, especially those of people with dementia, are under-represented in the existing literature. The aim of this study was to synthesise multiple stakeholders' perspectives, including people with dementia, on accessing respite services. Methods Purposive sampling was employed.

Wed, 12/18/2019 - 14:53

Mental health of carers in Wales: a national population survey

Background Informal care is increasingly common in ageing populations. However, the impact of caring responsibilities on carers’ mental health remains unclear. We used data from the HealthWise Wales (HWW) cohort to examine the impact of caregiving on the mental health of carers. Methods HWW collects demographic, lifestyle, and opinion data, which are linked to routine health-care records, from individuals aged 16 years or older who live in Wales, UK (n=21 779).

Wed, 12/18/2019 - 11:58