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Living with dementia: using mentalization-based understandings to support family carers

The number of people living with dementia is rising due to the aging of the population. Nearly two thirds of people with dementia live at home and the majority of the emotional and practical support that they receive is provided by family carers. Psychodynamic perspectives provide a valuable framework of understanding from which to consider the emotional dimensions of caring for a family member who is living with dementia.

Mon, 02/17/2020 - 13:59

Communication Empowerment Framework: An integrative framework to support effective communication and interaction between carers and people living with dementia

Objectives: To demonstrate the power of integrating three theoretical perspectives (Mentalization Theory, Perceptual Control Theory and the Communicative Impact model), which jointly illuminate the communication challenges and opportunities faced by family carers of people with dementia. To point the way to how this framework informs the design and delivery of carer communication and interaction training. Method: Conceptual synthesis based on a narrative review of relevant literature, supported by examples of family carers.

Tue, 05/14/2019 - 16:11