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Middle age

Disparate routes through support: Negotiating the sites, stages and support of informal dementia care

Worldwide people with dementia are usually cared for at home by informal carers who may themselves have poor health and/or live in social situations which intensify their needs. The scale of these needs continues to be underappreciated and they are exacerbated by the limited social, cultural and emotional resources that carers can draw upon. This paper looks at the disparities in support, and the complex negotiations made by carers, as they reconcile the everyday realities of informal care in the home.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Determinants of satisfaction with care and emotional distress among informal carers of demented and non-demented elderly patients

Little research has been carried out into determinants of both carer satisfaction in the caregiving role and how these compare with determinants of emotional distress among carers. Principal informal caregivers to 91 patients with dementing or non-dementing disorders were identified from consecutive referrals to community psychiatric nurses in an old age psychiatry service. Clinical, demographic, service and carer satisfaction variables were recorded. Emotional distress in carers was measured with the 28 item General Health Questionnaire.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Caring, employment and health among adults of working age: evidence from Britain and Belgium

Background: For those of working age, results are inconclusive when exploring the health impact of providing care. Moreover, population data is lacking and the impact of welfare policies on the caregivers’ health has not been yet analysed.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Caring for older adults: the benefits of informal family caregiving

Recent literature emphasizes the burdens of caregiving, but there has been limited focus on benefits accrued by family members who care for older adults. This article describes phase three of a research study of employed caregivers in the workplace. Phase three of the study was a caregiver support group. Data from the support group meetings were content analyzed and interpreted using a lifespan perspective.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:08

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