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older adults

Paid Family Leave: An Emerging Benefit for Employed Family Caregivers of Older Adults

As our population ages, the ability to take time off to care for an ill family member or close friend without losing income or a job is a growing social, health, and economic issue for American families. Therefore, the need for paid family leave policies for workers with caregiving responsibilities is an important topic for employers and policymakers, in the clinical care of older adults, and at kitchen tables across the United States. Despite this growing need, paid family leave is not available to most workers, and there is no national paid family leave policy.

Thu, 06/13/2019 - 10:15

Caring for the seniors with chronic illness: The lived experience of caregivers of older adults

Background Caregivers of the elderly with chronic illnesses are exposed to the burden associated with their caregiving activities. This study described the lived experience of caregivers of older adults in Nigeria. Methods A qualitative design guided by interpretive phenomenology informed the design of the research, whereby 15 in-depth interviews were conducted with caregivers of older adults with chronic illnesses. The interview sessions were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim and analysed using constant comparison analysis method.

Thu, 06/13/2019 - 09:47

Understanding the integration of family caregivers in delirium prevention care for hospitalized older adults: a case study protocol

Aim: To understand family caregiver involvement in delirium prevention care for older adults hospitalized for orthopedic surgery hospitals and family caregiver integration by nurses.; Design: Multiple-case study.; Methods: The model of Care Partner Engagement was selected as theoretical framework. Eight cases will comprise an older adult hospitalized a family caregiver and a ward nurse. They will be recruited with a non-probability sampling on two orthopedic surgery wards in two hospitals.

Mon, 06/10/2019 - 15:23

Unmet Support Needs of Informal Caregivers of Older Adults

Due to projected growth of the 65-and-older population and concerns of an impending care gap, reliance on informal caregivers is expected to increase. Improving support for informal caregivers is viewed as a national priority, yet research related to the unmet support needs of informal caregivers is limited.

Fri, 06/07/2019 - 14:44

Effects of a caregiver-inclusive assistive technology intervention: a randomized controlled trial

BACKGROUND: The principal aim of this study was to investigate whether a caregiver-inclusive assistive technology intervention improved older care recipients' functional autonomy and decreased the perceived burden of their family caregivers compared to customary care. METHODS: The study was a single-blind, mixed-methods, randomized controlled trial with baseline data collection and follow-ups at six, 22-, and 58-weeks after baseline evaluation, which was prospectively registered ( Identifier: NCT01640470. Registered 11/21/2011).

Tue, 05/14/2019 - 16:18

Information-sharing with respite care services for older adults: a qualitative exploration of carers' experiences

Respite services play an important role in supporting older adults and their carers. When an older person is unable to fully represent themselves, provision of respite care relies on effective information-sharing between carers and respite staff. This study aimed to explore, from carers' perspectives, the scope, quality and fit of information-sharing between carers, older people and respite services.

Tue, 05/14/2019 - 15:46

Identifying and understanding the health and social care needs of older adults with multiple chronic conditions and their caregivers: a scoping review

BACKGROUND: As the population is aging, the number of persons living with multiple chronic conditions (MCC) is expected to increase. This review seeks to answer two research questions from the perspectives of older adults with MCC, their caregivers and their health care providers (HCPs): 1) What are the health and social care needs of community-dwelling older adults with MCC and their caregivers? and 2) How do social and structural determinants of health impact these health and social care needs?

Tue, 05/14/2019 - 15:32

‘Add info and stir’: an institutional ethnographic scoping review of family care-givers’ information work

Family care-givers are increasingly expected to find, understand and use information to meet the complex needs of older adults in their care. A significant number of studies, however, continue to report that care-givers’ information needs are unmet. Following Arksey and O'Malley's scoping review framework, this study examined 72 articles for the range and extent of available research on the information work done by family care-givers of community-dwelling older adults living with dementia.

Fri, 04/12/2019 - 17:04

Health effects of informal caring in New Zealand: longitudinal findings from the Health, Work and Retirement study

This study investigates changes in the mental and physical health of carers compared to non-carers over 10 years in a sample of New Zealanders aged 54–70. Mental health increased slightly over time for all participants but there was no difference in trajectory change based on carer status except for those who stopped caring. No significant differences in physical health or differences in trajectory change for physical health across time based on caregiver status were found.

Wed, 04/10/2019 - 10:29

A National Profile Of End-Of-Life Caregiving In The United States

To date, knowledge of the experiences of older adults' caregivers at the end of life has come from studies that were limited to specific diseases and so-called primary caregivers and that relied on the recollections of people in convenience samples. Using nationally representative, prospective data for 2011, we found that 900,000 community-dwelling Medicare beneficiaries ages sixty-five and older who died within the following twelve months received support from 2.3 million caregivers. Nearly nine in ten of these caregivers were unpaid.

Mon, 04/08/2019 - 16:07

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