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older people

Futures planning for people with learning disabilities living with older family carers

People with learning disabilities are increasingly outliving their parents. To avoid traumatic and inappropriate transitions from the family home in later life, services need to improve their relationships with families. Practical examples are given of how families are being supported to face the future. 

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

Employment and caregiving: exploration of African American caregivers

To more completely understand the challenges African American families face when combining employment commitments and informal caregiving responsibilities, the authors used data from a community sample of 119 African American elder-caregiver dyads. This article examines the nature of caregiving relationships and extent to which caregivers' employment statuses affect the hours of care provided.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

Paradoxes in the Care of Older People in the Community: Walking a Tightrope

The expansion of the older population suggests that there will be significant numbers in need of care and support in their own home environment. Yet, little is known about the kind of situations professionals are faced with and how they intervene in the living environment of older people. Qualitative data were collected over a period of 1.5 years from a multi-disciplinary community-based geriatric team in the Netherlands, and participant observations carried out. Forty-two cases discussed within the team meetings were analysed.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

A grounded theory longitudinal study of carers’ experiences of caring for people with dementia

Introduction: Increasingly the provision of care for older people with dementia has shifted from institutions to the community. This has resulted in an increase in burden and a reduction in autonomy for those who care for these individuals.

Aims: This study sought to identify, describe and explore the changes in the carers’ experiences of looking after a relative living with dementia, and the effects of caring on the carers’ autonomy and health over time.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

Consumer voices steer the course of research

Describes how the Lancashire Dementia Research Group (LADRIG) has given people with dementia and their carers an active role in the development of research projects.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

Informal caregivers' experiences of formal support in a changing context

As the location of long-term care of elderly people moves to homes and communities, and responsibility for care shifts to families, understanding the experience of people in this situation is necessary to ensure that support is appropriate, accessible and effective. The present paper explores informal caregivers’ and recipients’ relationships with formal support, drawing on thematic and narrative analysis of 30 in-depth interviews with self-identified family caregivers conducted over a year in a mid-size city in Ontario, Canada.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

Comparison of specialist and mainstream programs for older carers of adults with intellectual disability: considerations for service development

Older carers of adults with intellectual disabilities experience unique challenges. Outreach initiatives identify a high number who are unknown to support services and a case is made to proactively engage them to assist in future planning for their adult children. An earlier study by the authors suggested that, in Victoria, specialist case management programmes for older carers occupied a unique place within the service system.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

Being there

The Parkinson's Disease Society has produced a DVD, Being There, which aims to answer the questions and concerns of people newly diagnosed with the condition. Being There provides an insight into symptoms, treatments and life with Parkinson's in general, and includes interviews with people with Parkinson's, carers, and expert healthcare professionals The DVD is divided into four chapters: introduction to Parkinson's disease; treating Parkinson's; living with Parkinson's; and about the Parkinson's Disease Society.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

Land of forgetfulness: dementia care as a spiritual formation

The personal circumstances of dementia caregiving are sometimes experienced as so severely demanding as to be overwhelming. While sustenance within, and recovery from these experiences are increasingly addressed in helpful ways from psychological, emotional, and practical life planning frames of reference, we are still learning how to speak with one another about the spiritual dimensions of this peculiar journey. From a spiritual perspective, the caregiver initially, and frequently perpetually, finds her/himself in a state of spiritual exhaustion.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

Care and support for older people and carers in Bradford : their perspectives, aspirations and experiences

This study explored the needs, aspirations and expectations of older people and family carers from a range of ethnic communities in Bradford, regarding both formal paid care provision and help from family, friends and neighbours. The focus was on the accessibility, acceptability, appropriateness and responsiveness of services. The study found cross-cultural similarities as well as cultural specificities in experiences and expectations. 

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

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