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Presents a list of medicine and health research sources selected by the editorial board for the October 2004 to April 2005 issue of the magazine "Research Matters." "A Better Life: Private Sheltered Housing and Independent Living for Older People"; "New Lifestyles in Old Age: Health, Identity and Well-Being in Berryhill Retirement Village"; "Young Carers in the UK: The 2004 Report"; The Commercial Exploitation of Children and Young People: An Overview of Key Literature and Data; "Images of Abuse: A Review of the Evidence in Child Pornography."

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20


The article presents a letter from the editor of the journal discussing the articles presented within, which are centered on the subject of the lived experience of intellectual disabilities. The author summarizes the articles individually, which include research on the interactions of mothers with a learning disability with professionals, and the views of informal carers on a variety of topics.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10