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Caregiver-proxy reliability of the Igbo-culture adapted Maleka Stroke Community Reintegration Measure: a validation study

Objectives: This study was designed to determine the caregiver-proxy reliability of the Igbo-culture adapted urban version of the Maleka Stroke Community Reintegration Measure (I-MSCRIM).; Methods: This was a validation study involving 74 consenting stroke survivors and their 74 primary informal caregivers consecutively recruited from selected tertiary hospitals in South-East Nigeria (Igboland). The I-MSCRIM was researcher-administered to the participants.

Mon, 01/21/2019 - 16:16

How do proxies' perceptions of patients' pain, anxiety, and depression change during the bereavement period?

The retrospective approach in palliative care research provides valuable insight into death and dying, and the effectiveness of palliative care. The method involves collecting information from proxies (usually significant others) after the patient's death. This exploratory study investigates whether proxies' accounts differ during bereavement, and provides possible explanations for why discrepancies might occur.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:19