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Support groups

Dementia care: involving people in Alzheimer’s cafes

An Alzheimer’s Café is a monthly social gathering in a friendly café-like atmosphere where anyone interested in dementia, especially people with dementia and their carers, can meet. In addition to offering a social outing, this group intervention also provides a structured programme of education and information about dementing illnesses and various types of support. This article explains how Alzheimer’s Cafés are hosted, and how care home staff are involved in them. Alzheimer’s Cafés follow a set routine and are structured around an annual programme of themed topics.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

A long-term support group for people with dementia

This article reports the evaluation of a 24-week support group for people with recently diagnosed dementia.  The group was evaluated in four ways: transcript analysis of group sessions, interviews with participants and carers about the group at 8 and 20 weeks from the start of the group, rating of the importance of eight therapeutic factors by participants, carers and group leaders, mood scales completed by participants and their carers before the group and at 8 and 20 weeks after it started.  The evaluation suggests that as the group progressed, participants became more positive about usin

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Support groups for dementia caregivers Predictors for utilisation and expected quality from a family caregiver's point of view: A questionnaire survey PART I

Background: Support groups have proved to be effective in reducing the burden on family caregivers of dementia patients. Nevertheless, little is known about the factors that influence utilisation or quality expectations of family caregivers. These questions are addressed in the following paper.

Methods: The cross-sectional study was carried out as an anonymous written survey of family caregivers of dementia patients in Germany. Qualitative and quantitative data from 404 caregivers were analysed using content analysis and binary logistic regression analysis.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14

Alzheimer's Society Derby branch: a comprehensive programme of support for people with dementia and their carers

This article describes some of the more recently established ways the Alzheimer's Society is using to support people with dementia and their carers living in the area of Derby, UK. The article covers Alzheimer Cafes, pamper days, arts and crafts days, and a carers support group.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14

Supporting mental health carers' role in recovery

The project was set up to improve the support offered to carers of people with serious mental health problems through supportive and educational group workshops. It aimed to empower carers by improving their understanding of mental health services and care; and to develop a model of carer and mentoring support. From the 15 carers recruited, five left due to personal circumstances leaving a core group of 10. The group also contained a high proportion of black and minority ethnic carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14

Group of support and mutual help for informal carers of dependent elderly people

Bringing into operation a group of support and mutual help for informal carers of dependent elderly people at 'Vargas' Health Centre is a necessity that cant be postponed any longer.The project which we want to carry out takes into account the welfare of both the carer and the elderly and consist of supporting the carers by listening to them, by raising their awareness about the importance of the work they do, both for the relative they look after and for society as a whole, and by teaching them to look after themselves during the caring period.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14

Carers’ clinics: support group for carers of heroin addicts

Heroin addiction, being a chronic condition, can have a devastating impact on carers of addicts. However, the information and support needs of carers often go unrecognised and unaddressed. ‘Carers' clinics’ are one such information-sharing and support group for carers of heroin addicts. This simple yet innovative service provision has been enthusiastically recieved by carers and has been running effectively since April 2007. We believe this scheme can be replicated across other services.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

The Facebook effect

Social networking technology is making it easier for patients' friends and family to provide support. Tyze a private social platform which has been developed in Canada, is one example. It consists of a shared calender, a messaging system and a 'CareWall' where stories and updates can be posted. Two users of the system are briefly profiled and the benefits they get from the system explained. 

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

My Practice

Is it a sign of weakness for a social worker to feel emotional pain when a client dies in tragic circumstances? No, says Mark Sloman

Looks at a support group organized for young carers who have parents with a mental health problem. Highlights of the story of an 11-year old boy who lives with his mother with bipolar mood disorder; Estimated number of young carers who provide care for a parent with mental health problem; Impact of living with mentally ill parent on children.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Setting up a male support group to meet the needs of men who are informal carers

Many support groups and resources for informal carers are geared towards meeting women's needs. However, a growing number of men are carers - with nearly half now male - and their support needs are neither recognised nor met. This article outlines the process of setting up and running a support group for male carers. 

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12