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Work & family

Work - life imbalance: Informal care and paid employment in the UK

In the United Kingdom, informal carers look after relatives or friends who need extra support because of age, physical or learning disability, or illness. The burden of informal care work falls on women, who often care for longer hours and durations than men. This paper considers the impact that caring responsibilities have on women's employment. The research is based on a dedicated questionnaire and in-depth interviews with informal caregivers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Women as parents, workers, carers and survivors: A research design to explore lives and share support

This paper situates the lives and work of parents who care for children with ongoing health conditions and disabilities — and who also work full time — within the context of their workplace. Caring responsibilities of parents, especially mothers, are underscored. Interruptions to the working day may be required due to various professional and medical consultations, hospitalisations or treatment regimens.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10