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Alzheimer's disease: the psychological and physical effects of the caregiver's role, part 2

The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical and psychological effects on informal caregivers of looking after a person with Alzheimer’s disease. A descriptive survey was conducted in counties Galway, Mayo and Roscommon in Ireland using a simple random sample of caregivers registered with the Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Galway, or the Western Alzheimer’s Foundation. The findings from the study show that a significant proportion of caregivers reported poor self-rated health and depression. Restless sleep and a decreased tolerance for pain were also common.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Ethical issues arising from a research, technology and development project to support frail older people and their family carers at home

The present paper provides an overview of the application of the key ethical issues which arose in an EU-funded research, technology and development project, Assisting Carers using Telematics Interventions to meet Older Persons' Needs (ACTION). The primary aim of the ACTION project was to support frail older people and their family carers in their own homes across England, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Sweden and Portugal via the use of user-friendly information and communication technology.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Poverty, disability and the role of older carers

Due to the high incidence of disability amongst their contemporaries, older people are likely to be involved in informal caring relationships. Due to the limited nature of post-retirement incomes, such carers are also likely to be relatively poor. In spite of this, little attention has been given to the role of older carers of disabled people or to the influence of poverty upon this role.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Care at home for people with dementia: as in a total institution?

This article examines three kinds of social relationship likely to be present when people with dementia are cared for at home by relatives or friends: custodial care, an intimate relationship, and home-life. Using Goffman's three defining aspects of custodial care – routinisation, surveillance and mortification of the self – the paper examines whether these characterised the care of people with dementia at home and, if so, whether they conflicted with the intimate relationship and with home-life.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Meeting the needs of patients' families in intensive care units

A review of articles published between 2000 and 2013, retrieved from several databases, was conducted to identify research findings regarding nursing interventions intended to meet the needs of the family members of patients in the intensive care unit. The dimensions of need identified were support, comfort, reassurance, information and closeness, with reassurance, information and closeness being the most important. Overall, the needs of patients’ family members were unmet.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Stroke: an exploration of the experience of informal caregiving

OBJECTIVE: To explore the experience of caregiving in informal carers of stroke patients.

DESIGN: The research approach was qualitative. Data were collected one year after the stroke occurred using a semi-structured interview. The audio-taped interviews were transcribed and following this process were analysed thematically using constant comparative procedures.

SETTING: West of Scotland.

SUBJECTS: Twenty-two informal carers of stroke patients.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Informal carers' experiences and needs when supporting patients through chemotherapy: a mixed method study

Informal carers provide important emotional support to patients having chemotherapy and assistance in monitoring and managing side-effects. If they are inadequately supported in this, patient and carer morbidity may result. This study explored needs of informal carers supporting patients with cancer having chemotherapy. The study used a mixed methods approach. Carers of colorectal or lymphoma cancer patients at one comprehensive cancer centre participated. Questionnaire data informed semi-structured interviews conducted with a subsample of respondents.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Supporting informal carers of dying patients : the district nurse’s role

This article explores the role of the district nurse in supporting family and friends who act as informal carers for patients who wish to die at home. The district nurse can support carers by promoting patient comfort, assessing carer needs, using communication and counselling skills, providing timely information, planning for anticipated needs, and co-ordinating and liaising with appropriate services and professionals. This requires the district nurse to develop a trusting carer-nurse relationship.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Caregiver burden of terminally-ill adults in the home setting

A caregiver is an unpaid person, typically a family member or friend, who helps an ill person with the physical care and management of a disease. The task of care-giving results in additional responsibilities on the caregiver's daily life, and occupies the caregiver's time, energy, and attention, which is demanding and complex. The burden from care-giving, when prolonged, might affect the physical health of caregivers, causing symptoms, such as anxiety and depression, leading to a negative impact on their capacity for social engagement.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Applying Risk Society Theory to findings of a scoping review on caregiver safety

Chronic Illness represents a growing concern in the western world and individuals living with chronic illness are primarily managed at home by family caregivers. A scoping review of the home-care literature (2004-2009; updated with review articles from 2010 to January 2013) on the topic of the caregiver revealed that this group experiences the following safety-related concerns: caregivers are conscripted to the role, experience economic hardship, risk being abused as well as abusing, and may well become patients themselves.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

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