This consultation paper reviews the law relating to adult social care in England and Wales. Current law has been identified as complex and outdated and these proposals aim to establishing a simple, consistent, transparent and modern framework. The paper is in 14 parts. Part 2 considers the approach to the reform of adult social care law. Parts 3 to 10 are concerned with how social services decide on what services to provide. Areas discussed include: community care assessments; carers' assessments; eligibility for services; Section 21 of the National Assistance Act 1948 and Section 2(1) of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970; ordinary residence; scope of adult care services; delivery of services. Parts 11 to 13 looks at more general issues in social care law such as joint working; safeguarding adults at risk; and strategic planning. The provisional proposals are set out in Part 14. The consultation period ends on 1 July 2010.