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Principles of participation

The video explores how service user and carer participation has become an increasingly important part of how adult social care services are developed and delivered. The video uses the example of how Manchester adult social care services are involving service users and carers. The film highlights the jigsaw model of participation, this connects four aspects of participation: Culture, Structure, Practice and Review. For further details about the jigsaw model see SCIE Guide 17. Participation operates at many different levels, from individual care packages to service design and commissioning. Any organisation wishing to develop meaningful participation must first develop a positive attitude towards the process. The process of meaningful participation can represent a real change from the previous process of service delivery and can help with the Putting People First agenda. There is a need to embed the idea of participation through all levels of social care. Service users and carers must feel that they have a stake in the service they receive.

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Type of Reference
Social care institute for excellence
Resource Database
Social care online
Publication Year