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Better preadmission assessment improves learning disability care

People with learning disabilities often have difficulty identifying and meeting their health needs and accessing appropriate health services. The Department of Health (1999a), NHS Executive (1998), and Mencap (1998) report that this group has increased needs compared with the general population, yet these needs are often poorly met. 

This qualitative study explores the experience of hospital admission from the perspective of four different stakeholders: people with a learning disability, their family/carers, hospital staff, and community learning disability nurses. It introduces and evaluates a new preadmission assessment, identifies key factors that influence the process of health care, and compares the results of this study with the current evidence base. The study uses process evaluation with multiple stakeholder analysis using semi-structured interviews for data collection. A focus group was used in preparation for the study. Results found stakeholders were generally positive about their experiences, and the preadmission assessment was well received.

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Nursing Times
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Social care online
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