Opinion Research Services (ORS) was commissioned by Welsh Government in June 2013 to undertake qualitative research to support the Duty to Review the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010.
1.2 Information and data are gathered by Welsh Government from a range of sources to inform the Review including this study, regular submissions from health board/local authority services, health board primary care satisfaction surveys and third sector surveys. Welsh Government is responsible for coordinating all inputs to the Review and for final reporting to Welsh Ministers.
1.3 This study by ORS provides qualitative evidence on the views of service users, their carers and practitioners on the implementation of Parts 1 to 4 of the Measure. The findings are presented in four separate reports; one for each part of the Measure and an overall summary report in Welsh and English versions.
1.4 An interim report1 published in 2014 presents the background and methodology for this study in some detail which are not repeated in the final reports. This report presents findings from qualitative interviews conducted between July 2014 and April 2015 involving participants with direct experience of Part 1 of the Measure.
1.5 The Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010 introduced a number of changes relating to the assessment of and treatment of people with mental health problems in Wales, the essential requirements of which are set out in four parts: Part 1: Local Primary Mental Health Support Services Part 2: Coordination of and Care and Treatment Planning for Secondary Mental Health Users Part 3: Assessments of Former Users of Secondary Mental Health Services Part 4: Mental Health Advocacy
Original report (pdf) on the Welsh Government website.