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Dementia in families with a Turkish migration background: Organization and characteristics of domestic care arrangements

Backround: Until recently public health and health services research has not been concerned with people suffering from dementia with a Turkish migration background as a priority. There is little evidence about the situation of this population; however, it is known that these individuals almost always live with their families and are cared for by their families generally without seeking professional support. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the organization and characteristics of home-based care arrangements for people suffering from dementia with a Turkish migration background from the family carer’s perspective.

Methods: Interviews with seven family carers. The principles of the grounded theory served as a framework for data analysis.

Results: Unconditional commitment to caring for a family member with dementia was identified as the main characteristic of care arrangements in families with a Turkish migration background. Dementia is not a factor that has an impact on the decision of families to assume care responsibility for an affected family member and there is a lack of knowledge about dementia in general. There are various inhibiting factors for the utilization of formal services and the family carers in this sample complained that the available services are not culturally sensitive.

Conclusion: There seems to be an extensive need for information and counselling regarding care dependency and dementia among the Turkish community. To provide personal-centred care and relief to these families in the future, efforts should be made to adapt the current care system to the specific needs and demands of this population. Cultural sensitivity in general and individual subjective needs of persons with a Turkish migration background affected by dementia should be taken into account.

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Additional Titles
Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie
Demenz in Familien mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund: Organisation und Merkmale häuslicher Versorgungsarrangements

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Scopus scopus - exported 1/8/16
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