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Adult autism strategy consultation: a summary of the submissions received in response to the online consultation

The Department of Health’s A Better Future: consultation on a future strategy for adults with autistic spectrum conditions has attracted responses from a wide range of people and institutions, including people with an autistic spectrum condition (ASC), their families and carers, professionals involved with people with an ASC, and campaigning organisations. Respondents express frustration at the way people with an ASC are so little understood not only by the public at large, but often by the professionals who determine the care they receive. Particular problems expressed within the responses include the difficulty for adults in getting an ASC diagnosis. A national standard for such diagnoses, recognised by bodies other than the National Health Service, is recommended. Health professionals need to be aware of the other health problems, both physical and mental, to which an ASC can lead and that such problems can mask the underlying existence of an ASC.

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Social care online
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