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Supporting young carers: a qualitative review of young carer services in Canada

In Canada, a growing number of young people (i.e., young carers) provide an increasing level of unpaid care to family member(s) with a chronic illness, disability, mental health or substance use issue and/or problems related to old age. Despite young carers occupying a central role in public policy and social service programming in other countries, very little attention has been paid to these youth in Canada, with no dedicated policies acknowledging their care-work and only a handful of non-profit organisations struggling to support their needs. This article provides the first known qualitative review of existing young carer programmes in Canada, using interview data with staff at each operational site to: (1) review the range of services offered to young carers and, (2) document barriers to improving their scope and reach. Findings show that available support services are in a preliminary assistance–mitigation phase, with various constraints related to funding and reach that impede their movement to a model of prevention.

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International Journal of Adolescence and Youth

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