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  2. The organisation of dementia care by families in Malta: the experiences of family caregivers

The organisation of dementia care by families in Malta: the experiences of family caregivers

This paper discusses the experiences of dementia family caregivers in Malta. The study design was essentially exploratory as this is the first funded social research on dementia in the island of Malta. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted in October 2008 with 17 caregivers. Identification of caregivers was through their relatives’ attendance at a hospital based outpatient memory clinic. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and when required, phrases were translated from Maltese to English. A thematic analysis was guided by the questions; What are the experiences of family caregiving in Malta? And what impact does caregiving have for individual/family life? Three key findings are discussed, namely: the organization of family care in Malta; the use of formal services; and the dislocation of dementia caregiving experiences from wider community life. This paper raises questions about support mechanisms currently available in Malta while presenting cross-national learning opportunities to apply established knowledge to the Maltese context.

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Additional Titles
Dementia: the International Journal of Social Research and Practice

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Social care online
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